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forge 2125

TConstruct 1.10.2-2.5.6b

Biomes'o'Plenty 1.10.2-

ConquestReforged 1.4.5


client: Optifine 1.10.2 HD_U_3



ConquestReforged 1.4.5



CTM Texture problems by adding the Conquest mod later (or don't use it at all on the server)


Step by Step:

1. generating a map without Conquest Reforged mod (server

1.1. when client has conquest mod and texturepack, many of the tinkers blocks will have the wrong texture

2. adding Conquest Reforged

2.1 now tinkers blocks and even blocks from conquest reforged have the wrong texture.


These problems are not there without the conquest texturepack or a different one!

The ConquesReforged texturepack only adds ctm functionality. the ctm part of optifine doesn't seem to recognize the ID-shift of blocks in case of conflicts.


3. Generating a new world with all mods: There are no texture conflicts.


I thought that these problems are past with the using of names instead of numbers as IDs.

The problem lies somewhere in between all of those factors.

edit: why do I even write a complete new text when I already have a good report.

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