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CloudShaft Recruitment


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Good Day , Minecraft Users


Skype : Insanerifter


Email : [email protected]


CloudShaft Minecraft server Is currently in the makings and Shorten on the staff scene.

I post this today because I am looking for experience minecraft players to contribute to CloudShaft server.



Staff // Partners // Developers[Web / Plugin] // Builders ,, If you feel that their is any source you own that can benefit CloudShaft server , You can still invite :)


Basic Requirement as a Staff Member:

- Be Mature ,, Your age defines you ,, if you are under -13 your position as a staff member will still be negotiable.

- Knowing your In Game Commands ,, Act Fast when a problem occurs

- Know Your Enjin Website Admin.

- Some Building Skill - Medium.


There are Many More Just summarizing the basics.


Basic Requirement as a Partner


Please Note All CloudShaft Partners will be benefited with Vouchers that they Can use on CloudShaft Store.



- Sub Count must be decent

- View Count Must be believable comparing to your subs.

- Good Quality Videos.

- Weekly Video of CloudShaft Server



- Must Have atleast over 10+ Subscribers

- Good Follower count

- Weekly Stream of CloudShaft Server

- Good Content


Basic Requirement as a Developer

- Must have developed a plugin

- Useful plugins ,, and not pointless developing.

- Coding Experience with HTML / CSS and js.


Our Developers will also be benefited With Vouchers.


Basic Requirement as a Builder

- High Quality Builds

- portfolio is required before recruited

- Any PixelArt / 3D Builds.


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