Lambda Posted December 20, 2016 Posted December 20, 2016 Hey there! So I have a capability that adds a few integers... However, I'm having an issue with saving it.. On restart it seems to reset, even though I believe I have it properly setup... Here is the main Capability Class: public class CapabilityMagic { @CapabilityInject(CapabilityMagicData.class) public static Capability<CapabilityMagicData> MANA = null; public static void register() { CapabilityManager.INSTANCE.register(CapabilityMagicData.class, new Capability.IStorage<CapabilityMagicData>() { @Override public NBTBase writeNBT(Capability<CapabilityMagicData> capability, CapabilityMagicData instance, EnumFacing side) { return instance.writeData(); } @Override public void readNBT(Capability<CapabilityMagicData> capability, CapabilityMagicData instance, EnumFacing side, NBTBase nbt) { instance.readData(nbt); } }, new Callable<CapabilityMagicData>() { @Override public CapabilityMagicData call() throws Exception { return new CapabilityMagicData(5000, 5); } }); } } The 'Capability Data: public class CapabilityMagicData implements IManaData { private Random rand = new Random(); protected float mana; protected float corruption; protected int maxManaStored; protected boolean malignantCorruption; protected int chanceToSpread=150; //higher = more rare. protected int regen; protected boolean isRegenCooldown; protected int regenTick; private EntityLivingBase entity; private EntityPlayer entityPlayer; /** IMPLEMENTATION LIST: * CORRUPTION ADD / SUBTRACT * MANA ADD / SUBTRACT * CORRUPTED MANA */ public CapabilityMagicData(int maxManaStored, int regen) { this.maxManaStored = maxManaStored; this.regen = regen; } public EntityLivingBase getEntity() { return entity; } public EntityPlayer getPlayerEntity() { return entityPlayer; } public void setEntity(EntityLivingBase entity) { this.entity = entity; } public void setEntityPlayer(EntityPlayer entity) { this.entityPlayer = entity; } public void updateCapability() { Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); regenTick++; this.setEntityPlayer(mc.thePlayer); //reference Standpoint malignantCheck(); manaCheck(); PacketHandlerHelper.sendCapabilityPacket(this.getPlayerEntity(), true); } public void malignantCheck() { if(malignantCorruption) { if(chanceToSpread > 0) { if (rand.nextInt(chanceToSpread) == 0) { this.setCorruption(this.getCorruptionStored() + rand.nextInt(5)); }else { chanceToSpread--; } } if(this.chanceToSpread <= 0) { malignantCorruption = false; } } } public void manaCheck() { if(this.getManaStored() > this.getMaxManaStored()) { this.setMana(this.getMaxManaStored()); } if(isRegenCooldown) { if(regenTick >= 160) { isRegenCooldown=false; } }else { regenTick=0; } if(this.getManaStored() < this.getMaxManaStored() && !isRegenCooldown) { this.receiveMana(regen); } if(this.getManaStored() < 0) { this.setMana(0); } if(this.getMaxManaStored() < 0) { this.setMaxMana(0); } } @Override public void receiveMana(float amount) { if(canReceiveMana(amount)) { this.setMana(this.getManaStored() + amount); } } @Override public void extractMana(float amount) { if(canExtractMana(amount)) { this.setMana(this.getManaStored() - amount); this.isRegenCooldown = true; } } @Override public void receiveCorruption() { if(this.getCorruptionStored() == 0) { if(rand.nextInt(20) == 0) { this.setCorruption(1); } }else { this.setCorruption(this.getCorruptionStored() * rand.nextFloat() + 1); if(rand.nextInt(1500) == 0) { this.malignantCorruption = true; } } } @Override public void extractCorruption(float amount) { if(this.canExtractCorruption(amount)) { this.setCorruption(this.getCorruptionStored() - amount); } } public boolean canExtractCorruption(float amount) { if((this.getCorruptionStored() - amount) >= 0) { return true; }else { return false; } } public boolean canExtractMana(float amount) { if((this.getManaStored() - amount) >= 0) { return true; }else { return false; } } public boolean canReceiveMana(float amount) { if((this.getManaStored() + amount) <= this.maxManaStored) { return true; }else { return false; } } @Override public float getManaStored() { return mana; } @Override public int getMaxManaStored() { return maxManaStored - (int)this.getCorruptionStored(); } @Override public float getCorruptionStored() { return corruption; } public void setCorruption(float corruptionToSet) { this.corruption = corruptionToSet; } public float setMana(float manaToSet) { return this.mana = manaToSet; } public int setMaxMana(int maxToSet) { return this.maxManaStored = maxToSet; } public NBTBase writeData() { NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound(); tag.setFloat("Mana", getManaStored()); tag.setFloat("Corruption", getCorruptionStored()); return tag; } public void readData(NBTBase nbt) { NBTTagCompound tag = (NBTTagCompound) nbt; this.setMana(tag.getFloat("Mana")); this.setCorruption(tag.getInteger("Corruption")); } public float getPercentedMana() { return this.getManaStored() / this.getMaxManaStored(); } public float getCorruptedMana() { if(this.getCorruptionStored() > 0) { return this.getCorruptionStored() / this.getManaStored(); }else { return 0; } } } Lastly, the 'Capability Provider' public class CapabilityMagicProvider implements ICapabilityProvider, ICapabilitySerializable<NBTTagCompound> { public static final ResourceLocation KEY = new ResourceLocation(ModUtil.MOD_ID, "mana_atr"); private CapabilityMagicData INSTANCE = new CapabilityMagicData(5000, 5); public CapabilityMagicProvider() {} public CapabilityMagicProvider(EntityLivingBase entity) { INSTANCE.setEntity(entity); if(entity instanceof EntityPlayerMP) INSTANCE.setEntityPlayer((EntityPlayerMP)entity); } @Override public boolean hasCapability(Capability<?> capability, EnumFacing facing) { return capability == CapabilityMagic.MANA; } @Override public <T> T getCapability(Capability<T> capability, EnumFacing facing) { if (capability == CapabilityMagic.MANA) return (T) INSTANCE; return null; } @Override public NBTTagCompound serializeNBT() { return (NBTTagCompound) CapabilityMagic.MANA.writeNBT(INSTANCE, null); } @Override public void deserializeNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { CapabilityMagic.MANA.readNBT(INSTANCE, null, nbt); } } Also, I the github if you need to check out the packets: Thanks, EDIT: as a note, I know I have a few other bools / intergers in there that are not being saved in the read/writedata, I'll add them as soon as I get the base ones working. Quote Relatively new to modding. Currently developing:
hugo_the_dwarf Posted December 20, 2016 Posted December 20, 2016 they are probably saved correctly (haven't looked at your read/write in your capability) What happens is you need to send a packet from the server to the client to keep them in sync. EDIT: looked at your read and write, you're only saving and loading the mana and corruption. But that will only keep it sever side, any client reconnecting will need a packet to tell them "this is what the server has for you" Quote Currently updating my Mod to 1.10.2
Lambda Posted December 20, 2016 Author Posted December 20, 2016 Hmm.. I believe I'm doing this in my event class.. (forgot to include ) Edit: Now its saving after adding a packet send to readData... Thanks! Quote Relatively new to modding. Currently developing:
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