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[1.10] MissingVariantException


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Been beating my head against the wall for a while on this one.


I am creating a block that should change it's model based on whether or not it is next to another one.


However I'm having this error and I can't seem to figure out what's going on.


Here is a single instance of the error



There are four block models






My BlockShelf.json (BlockState)



and finally my BlockShelf.java class



Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Though I am not yet familiar with the inner workings of MinecraftForge, nor would I call myself a Java expert, I am a Software Engineer and perfectly ok with Googling something i don't understand in your answer :)

TitanCraft is coming... This will be updated with a link once available

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That's not how Forge's blockstates format works. The format is documented here.




section can only contain the same values as a single variant would, it can't have multiple variants in it.


Each key in the


section can either be a fully-defined variant (e.g.




) or a property name (e.g.




The value of a fully-defined variant key can either be an array of variants (in which case one will be chosen at random when the model is rendered) or a single variant (must not have an object as the first value, otherwise the deserialiser won't recognise it as a fully-defined variant).


The value of a property name key must be an object that maps each value of the property to a variant.


You can see some examples of the format here, here and here.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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Awesome, thank you for the examples. I took a step away for a bit and while talking with my niece it suddenly occurred to me that I was thinking of the BlockState json in totally the wrong way.


This is what I have now. and though I'm changing the model in the wrong directions it is working, and that's a simple fix.


[EDIT] had my left and right backwards


  "forge_marker": 1,
  "defaults": {
    "model": "titancraft:shelf_single_oak"
  "variants": {
    "connections": {
      "1": {
        "model": "titancraft:shelf_right_oak"
      "2": {
        "model": "titancraft:shelf_left_oak"
      "3": {
        "model": "titancraft:shelf_center_oak"
      "4": {
        "model": "titancraft:shelf_single_oak"
    "facing": {
      "north": {

      "east": {
        "y": 90
      "south": {
        "y": 180
      "west": {
        "y": 270


TitanCraft is coming... This will be updated with a link once available

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