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1.11 - Packets help? Variable not updating client-side.


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I'm trying to send a packet to update a variable that's being rendered on the player's screen.

When a mob dies, a specific amount is supposed to be added to the variable. But it always renders as 0, so it's just not updating.

There are no errors given in the console.



	public void die(LivingDeathEvent event)
		int echoes = 0;

		if (event.getSource().getEntity() != null && event.getSource().getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayer)
			EntityLivingBase entity = event.getEntityLiving();

			if (entity instanceof EntitySlime)
				System.out.println("Killed mob"); // This does print, so the event is definitely registered.
				echoes = 5;
			if (echoes > 0)
				PacketHandler.net.sendTo(new UpdateEchoes(), (EntityPlayerMP) event.getSource().getSourceOfDamage());



	public static final SimpleNetworkWrapper net = NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.newSimpleChannel(Main.MODID);

	public static int id = 0;

	// This is called from the main mod class' FMLInitializationEvent
	public static void init()
		net.registerMessage(UpdateEchoes.Message.class, UpdateEchoes.class, id++, Side.SERVER);


UpdateEchoes implements IMessage

	private int echoes, insight;

	public UpdateEchoes(){}

	public UpdateEchoes(int echoes, int insight)
		this.echoes = echoes;
		this.insight = insight;

	public void toBytes(ByteBuf buf)

	public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf)
		echoes = buf.readInt();
		insight = buf.readInt();

	public static class Message implements IMessageHandler<UpdateEchoes, IMessage>
		public IMessage onMessage(final UpdateEchoes message, MessageContext ctx)
			final EntityPlayerMP player = ctx.getServerHandler().playerEntity;

			Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask(new Runnable()
				public void run()
					process(player, message.echoes, message.insight);
			return null;

		public void process(EntityPlayerMP player, int echoes, int insight)
			player.getCapability(EchoesManager.ECHOES, null)
					.setEchoes(player.getCapability(EchoesManager.ECHOES, null).getEchoes() + echoes);
			player.getCapability(EchoesManager.ECHOES, null)
					.setInsight(player.getCapability(EchoesManager.ECHOES, null).getInsight() + insight);


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Okay I admit that was stupid.

But changing it to 

PacketHandler.net.sendTo(new UpdateEchoes(echoes, 0)
	(EntityPlayerMP) event.getSource().getSourceOfDamage());

doesn't work either.


And isn't the fact that I need to send it to the client because that it's already and only on the server?

How would I do that otherwise?

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I don't understand. I tried changing it to what I think you mean, but it's still not working.



	if (echoes > 0)
		IEchoesCapability cap = ((EntityPlayer) event.getSource().getSourceOfDamage())
				.getCapability(EchoesManager.ECHOES, null);

		PacketHandler.net.sendTo(new UpdateEchoes(cap), (EntityPlayerMP) event.getSource().getSourceOfDamage());



	public UpdateEchoes(IEchoesCapability cap)
		this.echoes = cap.getEchoes();
		this.insight = cap.getInsight();

public static class Message implements IMessageHandler<UpdateEchoes, IMessage>
		public IMessage onMessage(final UpdateEchoes message, MessageContext ctx)
			Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask(new Runnable()
				public void run()
					IEchoesCapability cap = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getCapability(EchoesManager.ECHOES, null);
			return null;


Edited by diesieben07
syntax hightlighting
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It's all way more complicated than it needs to be...


I understand that everything important exists on the server, and it needs to send packets to update the client. Right? What I do not understand is how exactly that happens, and how exactly I'm supposed to use that for my specific needs. All tutorials/documentation that I've found are either outdated, missing important parts, or just plain vague.


The server has been successfully counting my echoes and they're being saved to NBT, I just don't understand how exactly to send the information to the client.


Are you saying addEchoes is supposed to be like this?

	public void addEchoes(EntityPlayer player, int amount)
		this.echoes = echoes + amount > maxEchoes ? maxEchoes : echoes + amount;
		PacketHandler.net.sendTo(new UpdateEchoes(this), (EntityPlayerMP) player);


This is where I'm rendering it.

	public void onRenderGui(RenderGameOverlayEvent.Post event)
		if (event.getType() != ElementType.EXPERIENCE)
		IEchoesCapability echoes = mc.thePlayer.getCapability(EchoesManager.ECHOES, null);

		if (echoes != null)
					TextFormatting.RED + "Blood Echoes: " + TextFormatting.WHITE + echoes.getEchoes(), 5, 5, colour);


I added lines to print the amount of echoes the player has inside of addEchoes() and the UpdateEchoes() contructor, and both of them fire with the correct amount of echoes gained in total.


But none of the printouts in the onMessage() method are ever being called.


	public static class Message implements IMessageHandler<UpdateEchoes, IMessage>
		public IMessage onMessage(final UpdateEchoes message, MessageContext ctx)
          	// This is never called.
			Logger.getLogger(Main.MODID).log(Level.INFO, "onMessage starting");

			Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask(new Runnable()
				public void run()
          			// This is never called.
					Logger.getLogger(Main.MODID).log(Level.INFO, "Processing packet");

					IEchoesCapability cap = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getCapability(EchoesManager.ECHOES,
         		 	// This is never called.
							"Packet Processed... Echoes: " + cap.getEchoes() + ", Insight: " + cap.getInsight());
			return null;


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Wonderful, all that trouble for just another dumb mistake. Thanks for pointing that out.


Now the only trouble is that when I first log in, it's always at 0.

It's not until I kill something to gain echoes that it updates.

I assume that would be fixed just by sending a packet to the client when the player logs in?

Would I need to do the same thing when the player enters a dimension?

Edited by Eria8
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