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How to check when mob is hit by egg?


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I want to make an egg catching mod. When a player throws an egg at a mob, the mob disappears and the mob's spawn egg appears.


I don't know how to detect when a mob is hit by an egg. I tried LivingHurtEvent, but could not find a DamageSource that corresponded with an egg. 

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When an egg damages an entity, DamageSource#getDamageType will return "thrown", DamageSource#getSourceOfDamage will return an instance of EntityEgg and DamageSource#getEntity will return the entity that threw the egg (if any).

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Thanks @Choonster! One little issue. How would I check if it is a Player that has thrown the egg? I tried

if (e.getSource().getEntity() instanceof Player) {

But it won't compile because Player and Entity are apparently incompatible types. 


Even if I skip this check (which would probably lead to crashes later on if some other entity threw an egg), I can't define a player variable because I can't cast the Entity as a Player. How can I solve this problem?

Edited by Turbin
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There is no Player class in Minecraft, you probably imported the one from the IXBM library.


As @Kriptikz suggested, EntityPlayer is the class used by Minecraft to represent player entities.

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Thanks again! It compiles now, but does nothing when I throw an egg at a sheep.


I want the player to lose a level and the mob to disappear, replaced by its spawn egg. None of that happens though.


The sheep doesn't disappear. The spawn egg doesn't drop. The player doesn't lose a level. However, if the player is below level 40, it sends my message so at least that works.


	public void eggCatcher(LivingHurtEvent e) {
		if (e.getEntity() == null) {
		if (e.getSource().getDamageType().equals("thrown")) {
			if (e.getSource().getSourceOfDamage() instanceof EntityEgg) {
				if (e.getSource().getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayer) {
					EntityPlayer p = (EntityPlayer) e.getSource().getEntity();
					Entity en = e.getEntity();
					double x = en.posX;
					double y = en.posY;
					double z = en.posZ;
					if (p.experienceLevel > 40) {
						if (en instanceof EntitySheep) {
							EntityItem item = new EntityItem(p.world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(Items.SPAWN_EGG, 1, 91));
					else {
						p.sendMessage(new TextComponentTranslation("\247bYou must be at least level 40 to capture mobs"));


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After changing the > to >= in your code, it correctly dropped a spawn egg in 1.11.2; though the spawn egg didn't have its entity set.


I'd recommend using Entity#setDead rather than World#removeEntity.


I'd recommend using the entity name NBT tag rather than using the global ID as the metadata, since this is what every version since 1.9 uses.


In 1.8.x, set the entity_name tag to the entity's name (EntityList.getEntityString). In 1.9+, set the EntityTag tag to a compound tag with the id tag set to the entity's name (EntityList.getEntityString in 1.9-1.10.2, EntityList.getKey in 1.11+).

Edited by Choonster
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Could you clarify what you meant by the EntityTag part? I have experience in Java and Bukkit plugin programming, but I'm new to modding, sorry :(


I take it that you don't mean to do

EntityItem item = new EntityItem(p.world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(Items.SPAWN_EGG, 1, EntityList.getKey(en)));


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2 hours ago, Turbin said:

Could you clarify what you meant by the EntityTag part? I have experience in Java and Bukkit plugin programming, but I'm new to modding, sorry :(


I take it that you don't mean to do

EntityItem item = new EntityItem(p.world, x, y, z, new ItemStack(Items.SPAWN_EGG, 1, EntityList.getKey(en)));



No, there's no ItemStack constructor that takes a String or ResourceLocation.


Look at ItemMonsterPlacer.applyEntityIdToItemStack to see how it creates the required NBT structure. You can't call the method directly because it's client-only.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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