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Is there a easy way to tell the server to hurt the player?


i need to call the hurt method in a client tick...

is it possible to tell the server (out of a client side class) to perform one server mehod to hurt the player?


Is there a easy way to tell the server to hurt the player?


i need to call the hurt method in a client tick...

is it possible to tell the server (out of a client side class) to perform one server mehod to hurt the player?

No, it is not possible and should never be done. The client is dumb and only tells lies*. Never ever trust the client. Always do everything on the server. Period.


*Of course this is not true, but it is the way you should think while developing. Clients can be evil and do stuff you don't expect in your wildest dreams :D


yea i noticed some strange behaviours of the client nevertheless i set some things up there and i have to tell the server to hurt the player...


so i thought about someting like this:


1. i'll write a little method "server-side" to hurt the player and call it from "client-side"

2. my PROBLEM: how do i get the player instance on the server without using the evil modloader stuff... :)


maybe i should have been more specific^^


ok then i'll have to rewrite some stuff^^


i have to hurt him in an ingame tick...

sort of he is alive and is in that biome hurt him (for example)


and have an additional question:


how do i get the specific player from the server if i would want to get the player in an biome or under the sun or in water? :)


ok i think i got something like that already :


public class ServerTickHandler implements ITickHandler {

    public void tickStart(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData) {}

    public void tickEnd(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData)

            public EnumSet ticks()
            return EnumSet.of(TickType.PLAYER);

        public String getLabel()
            return null;

        private void onTickInGame()
            //put here any code that needs to be done server side, like set WorldGeneration, and let entities spawn on the first server tick.
            //also put all the code in a if(world != null && !world.isRemote) statement, makes it so that you don't get NPEs from that.



how do i trace if it's singleplayer or multiplayer because i still need my client stuff for the singleplayer right?


and why can't i hurt the player in singleplayer with the modloader.....player... stuff?



btw thanks for your great help! :)


ah i see

sry about so many questins i read a lot about mc modding but wasn't 100% shure about this whole client - server thing :)


i 've already a sided proxy :)



but i just tried a simple write chat massage code in my server tick from above and it worked as server but not in singleplayer, oehm do you know why?

and how can i get a server World tick too? :)

i think if i know that i am able to rewrite my code in a few minutes :)


currently i'm doin it just with a server-sided proxy:


package TempCraft.common;

import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.TickRegistry;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;

public class CommonProxyTempCraft 
public void registerRenderThings()
	TickRegistry.registerTickHandler(new ServerTickHandler(), Side.SERVER);
	TickRegistry.registerTickHandler(new ServerTickWorldHandler(), Side.SERVER);


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