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Interface between mods that alter the world and mods that offer protection


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As far as I know, none of the mods/plugins that do protect against stealing/destructing by players directly, can protect against those players abusing machines to do the grieving for them.


It can be very frustrating for players and server owners to see their creations being destructed or stolen from. And then not even be able to find out who did it.

Server owners now choose to disable (parts of) mods that are great to play with, but that are being abused by a minority.


It would be very helpful if there were some sort of standard within Forge that mods would have to use to alter the world, so protection mods can detect which mod/player combination is at work here and use that for logging or permissions.


My suggestion is to let mods alter the world through a fake player, that has a name that combines the names of the mod and the player that controls that machine.

For example. If I would use a ComputerCraft Mining Turtle to break blocks, it would call PlayerInteractEvent with as fake playername [computercraft]evert79


This way, a mod that makes a log, could save that information and if I abuse the turtle to destroy something that is build by an other player, the server admins could find it and ban me from the server.

Or a mod that offers protection could stop the turtle from breaking in an area where the fake player doesn't have explicit permission.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry for bumping, but i'm second this. It's absolutely necessary.

Right now - only "chosen ones" (communities with skilled java coder) can run their own servers, cause you need to modify each block breaking mod for adding fakeplayer there - this is very complicated, and often, leads to random errors due to mod decompilation.

There is so much great mods, but all that you can do - ban 75% of the items, or run whitelisted server for friends. That is extremely bad...


Maybe i'm missing some way to protect server without decompilation? Please, let me know, if there is any

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some mods already do;

  • Forestry has one for the farms, named [Forestry]
  • Buildcraft has one for the quarry, et al, named [buildcraft]
  • Red Power 2 has one for its block placers/breakers, and IIRC, it's named [Redpower]

Forge already has hooks for this, but it isn't compulsory to use them, yet...

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