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If I remember rightly, if you do


double a = Math.toRadians(player.rotationYaw);
double dx = -Math.sin(a);
double dz = Math.cos(a);


then (dx, dz) is a unit vector pointing in the direction the player is facing in the X-Z plane. Multiply that by the distance you want to move.


I might have done something wrong


    public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, EntityPlayer par3EntityPlayer)


double a = Math.toRadians(par3EntityPlayer.rotationYaw);

double dx = -Math.sin(a) * 10;

double dz = Math.cos(a) * 10;

                par3EntityPlayer.posX = dx;

par3EntityPlayer.posZ = dz;

return par1ItemStack;



You need to add dx and dz to the player's current position, not just set them.


However, that probably isn't the right thing to do either, as it will attempt to teleport the player to the new position, regardless of whether there are any obstacles in the way, and also regardless of whether there is an empty space at the new position. If you teleport a player into a solid mass of blocks, he will get stuck and suffocate.


To move the player while taking collisions into account, use the moveEntity method:



player.moveEntity(dx, 0, dz);


If you really want to teleport the player, the right way is to call setPositionAndUpdate:



player.setPositionAndUpdate(player.posX + dx, player.posY, player.posZ + dz);


This will ensure that the new position is communicated correctly to the client side.

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