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I currently have an unspawnable human mob, and two variations of that mob which can (or should) be spawnable. One of them is a civilian, the other is a fighter. The civilian is working fine. Can be spawned using /summon, has the right texture, model, AI, etc. However, the fighter can't be spawned with /summon or with an egg. If I try to use the command it tells me that it was "unable to summon object" and gives me this error message (although the game doesn't crash). What is my problem? I think I registered both correctly, and the fighter does appear in the tab list of summonable entities.


As you can see my project is on github. Feel free to browse it to find anything wrong with my code. Just note that ModEntity and EntityMobBase don't exist in my project, and I'm not sure why they are on github.


EntityHumanFighter#initEntityAI calls super.applyEntityAttributes, which registers the entity's attributes. This method has already been called by the EntityLivingBase constructor, so the attribute registration fails with an exception because the attributes it's trying to register have already been registered.


EntityHumanCivilian doesn't do this, so it can be summoned without issue.

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Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

10 minutes ago, Choonster said:

EntityHumanFighter#initEntityAI calls super.applyEntityAttributes, which registers the entity's attributes. This method has already been called by the EntityLivingBase constructor, so the attribute registration fails with an exception because the attributes it's trying to register have already been registered.


EntityHumanCivilian doesn't do this, so it can be summoned without issue.

That worked, but there is a problem with the mob. It doesn't show the armor it's wearing, even though he does wear it (he drops it on death and takes reduced damage), and my custom AI doesn't work in this class, even though an almost identical version works for my other mob. If I put a print call in my predicate of the return condition it prints true.


You need to add a LayerBipedArmor to the Render with RenderLivingBase#addLayer to render the entity's armour.


I'm not too sure why the AI isn't working, you may need to step through it in a debugger to see where it goes wrong.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Choonster said:

You need to add a LayerBipedArmor to the Render with RenderLivingBase#addLayer to render the entity's armour.

This is working now, thank you!


2 hours ago, Choonster said:

I'm not too sure why the AI isn't working, you may need to step through it in a debugger to see where it goes wrong.

The only clue I get is by adding a print to the first line in isPlayerHost. For some reason it isn't consistent. Most of the time it returns true, sometimes it returns false. Really strange.


EDIT: After copy-pasting my working code and looking at a diff, I found the problem! This parameter used to be the player object I created.  Since it wasn't initiated it always returned false. targetEntity isn't however, and therefore it returns true. Really shows how one line can screw up an entire class.

Edited by That_Martin_Guy

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