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[1.11.2] [Solved] Changing Break Speed With Hoe


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So firstly what I wanted to do is to implement the hoe(vanilla hoes, Diamond, iron etc) as a tool to break dirt and it will drop soil(new item). I have achieved that though catching the BlockEvent.BreakBlock, and cancelling it and spawning in the soil item.


Now my problem arises when I realize that the actual break speed of the hoes are still the same(slow). Is there anyway I can increase this speed?


Also, if there is a better way to implement the said above, I'd be open to suggestions!


Thnx for taking the time to read this.




P.S. First Post. *yaay*

Edited by Debu922
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(Welcome!) You can use the PlayerEvent.BreakSpeed event to adjust the time taken to break a block. Also, you might be better off using HarvestDropsEvent to edit the drops from a block based on the harvesting tool. That way you don't have to cancel and re-do the block break itself, you can just alter the items being dropped.

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I would surely do that, but if you could explain how I can get the drops to be say 3-4 soil out of a single dirt block, along side a 10% chance of dropping a rock.


Not to mention that I'm actually checking what tool I'm holding, what block I'm breaking before cancelling that that event. If you could also inform me on how it would be incompatible, it'll help me better understand.


Thnx again.

Edited by Debu922
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8 minutes ago, Debu922 said:

I would surely do that, but if you could explain how I can get the drops to be say 3-4 soil out of a single dirt block, along side a 10% chance of dropping a rock.


Not to mention that I'm actually checking what tool I'm holding, what block I'm breaking before cancelling that that event. If you could also inform me on how it would be incompatible, it'll help me better understand.


Thnx again.


You can do exactly the same thing as you would in BreakEvent, just add drops to the list instead of manually spawning them as entities.

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Just now, Choonster said:


You can do exactly the same thing as you would in BreakEvent, just add drops to the list instead of manually spawning them as entities.

I'm unable to understand how I can adjust the chances of various different types of items.


I want to drop 3-4 (always) soil items upon breaking a dirt block; but I want a 10% chance of dropping a rock.


Here the dropChance seems to help me decide within the list of drops.

     * Fired when a block is about to drop it's harvested items. The {@link #drops} array can be amended, as can the {@link #dropChance}.
     * <strong>Note well:</strong> the {@link #harvester} player field is null in a variety of scenarios. Code expecting null.
     * The {@link #dropChance} is used to determine which items in this array will actually drop, compared to a random number. If you wish, you
     * can pre-filter yourself, and set {@link #dropChance} to 1.0f to always drop the contents of the {@link #drops} array.
     * {@link #isSilkTouching} is set if this is considered a silk touch harvesting operation, vs a normal harvesting operation. Act accordingly.
     * @author cpw
    public static class HarvestDropsEvent extends BlockEvent
        private final int fortuneLevel;
        private final List<ItemStack> drops;
        private final boolean isSilkTouching;
        private float dropChance; // Change to e.g. 1.0f, if you manipulate the list and want to guarantee it always drops
        private final EntityPlayer harvester; // May be null for non-player harvesting such as explosions or machines

        public HarvestDropsEvent(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, int fortuneLevel, float dropChance, List<ItemStack> drops, EntityPlayer harvester, boolean isSilkTouching)
            super(world, pos, state);
            this.fortuneLevel = fortuneLevel;
            this.drops = drops;
            this.isSilkTouching = isSilkTouching;
            this.harvester = harvester;

        public int getFortuneLevel() { return fortuneLevel; }
        public List<ItemStack> getDrops() { return drops; }
        public boolean isSilkTouching() { return isSilkTouching; }
        public float getDropChance() { return dropChance; }
        public void setDropChance(float dropChance) { this.dropChance = dropChance; }
        public EntityPlayer getHarvester() { return harvester; }


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5 minutes ago, Debu922 said:

I'm unable to understand how I can adjust the chances of various different types of items.


I want to drop 3-4 (always) soil items upon breaking a dirt block; but I want a 10% chance of dropping a rock.


Here the dropChance seems to help me decide within the list of drops.



You need to handle the random chance and random amounts yourself: generate a random number for the amount of soil and add a stack of that much soil to the list (or that many stacks of 1 soil), then generate a random number for the rock drop chance and add a rock to the drops list if it's within the 10% range.

Edited by Choonster
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Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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5 minutes ago, Choonster said:



You need to handle the random chance and random amounts yourself: generate a random number for the amount of soil and add a stack of that much soil to the list, then generate a random number for the rock drop chance and add a rock to the drops list if it's within the 10% range.

Ahh I got it thnx. The drop list has its own random generator which when I set to 1.0f it will always drop. Now whatever I add to the drop list will be a 100% drop. Now I generate a random number which will control weather to put in 3 or 4 dirt into the and also if whether to put in the rock. And finally when its called, it will drop the according to my set random generator.

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