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[Forge 1.11.2] "Dynamic" item lore that shows a (custom) NBT tag?


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I have an item with a custom NBT tag called "ConsumedAmount". This works, but I also want some form of a 'dynamic' lore, that shows the NBT tag. Like "Amount: >ConsumedAmount<". You can increase the NBT tag (integer) by 1 every time you right click using an overridden onItemRightClick. I've tried to convert the integer into a string and concatenate it with "Amount: " in my addInformation, but it stays at 0.


I've tried to change the NBT tag manually to 1000 from the code as a debug inside of the addInformation, and it appears to 'flicker' between 1000 and 0 rapidly. But it doesn't show any changes from outside the addInformation and in the onItemRightClick at all.


I've been trying to get this to work for a while now, but no dice. It stays at 0. Any help?


    public void addInformation(ItemStack par1ItemStack, EntityPlayer par2EntityPlayer, List par3List, boolean par4)
    	int ConsumedAmountNBT = (SelfStack.getTagCompound().getInteger("ConsumedAmount"));
        par3List.add("\u00A77Hold right click to consume \u00A7fIron Ingots\u00A77, and gain buffs.");
        par3List.add("\u00A7eAmount consumed: \u00A76" + Integer.toString(ConsumedAmountNBT));


I can send the entire code including the onItemRightClick if necessary (just ask).

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6 minutes ago, SnakeBlock said:

int ConsumedAmountNBT = (SelfStack.getTagCompound().getInteger("ConsumedAmount"));

What is SelfStack, where are you getting that from? If you want to add information based on the NBT of the stack in question, you need to get the NBT from the stack in question - the one the method gives you.

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Not to mention, Items are Singletons.

There exists only 1 of each item. Any data stored in the Item class, will be global for each ItemStack containing said Item.

The way you intend to work using this SelfStack will thus not work.


You are given the correct ItemStack in almost all possible method parameters (here, it's par1ItemStack¹), either directly, or if need ever be, through the EntityPlayer.


¹Please edit your parameter names as well. par1, par2...par27 looks horrible and are easily mistaken for each other by the human eye.

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2 hours ago, Matryoshika said:

Not to mention, Items are Singletons.

There exists only 1 of each item. Any data stored in the Item class, will be global for each ItemStack containing said Item.

The way you intend to work using this SelfStack will thus not work.


You are given the correct ItemStack in almost all possible method parameters (here, it's par1ItemStack¹), either directly, or if need ever be, through the EntityPlayer.


¹Please edit your parameter names as well. par1, par2...par27 looks horrible and are easily mistaken for each other by the human eye.

So. I've been playing around with your suggestion, along with some extra help from Google.



I've removed the onUpdate thing and did this instead. Although, Eclipse gives me an error...

"The method onItemRightClick(ItemStack, World, EntityPlayer) of type Item_IronInfusedGemstone must override or implement a supertype method"


I know why this is happening - it's because the onItemRightClick line should be "public ActionResult<ItemStack> onItemRightClick(World worldIn, EntityPlayer p, EnumHand h)", like it is in the method I'm actually overriding.


But this raises the question for me, how would I use a method parameter for the right click along with the addInformation? Just doing "World worldIn, EntityPlayer p, EnumHand h, ItemStack stack" gives me an error.


I'd imagine I'm probably talking nonsense right now - apologies, seriously. I just want to get this working. :P

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