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I'm making a simple forge mod to highlight words, everything works splendidly but I'm unsure of how to keep chat formatting intact.


For instance lets say I was on a faction server , players have a faction, a rank and then their name and chat message.


With being Highlighted what It looks like:


[Faction] [Tag] Name: Sentence with the highlighted word you chose.

(purple = white but if it was white you wouldn't be able to see it :P)


With being Highlighted what I want it to look like:

[Faction] [Tag] Name: Sentence with the highlighted word you chose.


Here is my ClientChatReceivedEvent class:


public class OnClientChatReceivedEvent {

	List<String> words = Highlight.getWords();

	public void onClientChatReceivedEvent(ClientChatReceivedEvent event) {

		String message = event.message.getFormattedText();

		boolean sendOriginal = true;

		String newMessage = "";

		// get the words
		String[] messageWords = message.split(" ");

		for (int w = 0; w < messageWords.length; w++) {
			// does this message word match any of the search words
			boolean wordMatches = false;

			for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {

				if (messageWords[w].equalsIgnoreCase(words.get(i))) {
					sendOriginal = false;
					wordMatches = true;
					newMessage = newMessage + EnumChatFormatting.RED
							+ messageWords[w] + EnumChatFormatting.RESET + " ";

			if (!wordMatches) {
				newMessage = newMessage + messageWords[w] + " ";


		if (sendOriginal) {
		} else {
					.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(newMessage.trim()));


Is there a better way than to replace the entire chat message?




PS: i'm not too experienced in java/forge modding and im still learning ;P.

24 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

You probably should not work on the formatted text, instead work with the ITextComponent directly. That way you have nice separated access to formatting and text.

I probably am retarded, but don't wanna be 'spoon fed' code.


Could you maybe provide a example  or direct me somewhere that could help me?

59 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Take a look at the ITextComponent class, not sure what else to say without just giving you code.

I'm using forge-1.8-, so I assume ITextComponent is IChatComponent, and wouldn't this be the event.message.getFormattedText(); ?

1 minute ago, diesieben07 said:

You should update to 1.11.2.


getFormattedText gives you the text with formatting codes (e.g. §3). But there are other, much more useful methods. getUnformattedText will get you the complete text (recursively including siblings) without any formatting codes. getUnformattedComponentText will get you the unformatted text just for that component, without siblings. Then there is getStyle which will give you a Style object, which has the formatting information, such as bold, color, etc.


What are these siblings I speak of? Well, a single ITextComponent can only have one formatting style. So if you want to have different formatting within a text, you would use something like this (arbitrary representation, you would use code or JSON to construct this):

ITextComponent(RED, "Hello ")

|__ITextComponent(RED & BOLD, "World")


What this means is you have a text component that is red with text "Hello " and then a text component that is red and bold with text "World". The 2nd component is a sibling of the 1st one meaning the resulting text would be:

Hello World (or §cHello §r§c§lWorld using formatting codes).


You can obtain a component's siblings with the getSiblings method or you can use the Iterator (ITextComponent implements Iterable<ITextComponent>), which will return first the component itself and then all it's siblings recursively (i.e. also the siblings' siblings).

Thank you,


I'll update and give it a shot!

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