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[1.11.2][SOLVED] identify a valid log Block or leaves block


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Broken english alert!


iM trying to fix mi chainsaw item for that i need to identified the target blocks


i need to identified the log blocks from the tree but i don't wanna break Plank blocks or any other block by mistake

so i can't use Material  blkstate.getMaterial()


in the old time i just do something like

	           for( int l = 0 ; l < list9.size() ; l ++){
	                xpos = ypos.add(list9.get(l));
                xbst = this.world.getBlockState(xpos);
                xblk = xbst.getBlock();
                Block logblk1 = Blocks.LOG;
	                Block logblk2 = Blocks.LOG2;
	               // i remember doing it this way long time ago
	                //but now throw error    Blocks.LOG cannot be resolved to a type,    blockLog is not instanciable anymore ??
                if( xblk instanceof  Blocks.LOG || xblk instanceof  Blocks.LOG2 ){
                    System.out.println( "Is definitively a log block ="+xpos);
	                 if(  xbst.getMaterial() == Material.LEAVES){
                    System.out.println( "Is a leaves block ="+xpos);
	                 if(  xbst.getMaterial() == Material.WOOD){
                    System.out.println( "could be a log a fence a door or any other block made of wood ="+xpos);
Edited by perromercenary00
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There are methods in the Block class for exactly this purpose: Block#isLeaves and Block#isWood. These return true if the block is leaves or a log, respectively.


The right-hand operand of instanceof must be a type, but Blocks.LOG and Blocks.LOG2 aren't types, they're values. This is basic Java knowledge.


Blocks.LOG is an instance of the BlockOldLog type and Blocks.LOG2 is an instance of the BlockNewLog type, these both extend BlockLog.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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thansk for answering


but its little odd that is working

xblk.isWood(world, xpos)  is true only if the block is log

but is false if the block is  door fence ladder or plank


anyway  thats is exactly what i need


	            ArrayList<BlockPos> list9 = new ArrayList<BlockPos>();
            list9.add( new BlockPos(  1,0,-1 ));
            list9.add( new BlockPos(  1,0,0  ));
            list9.add( new BlockPos(  1,0,1  ));
            list9.add( new BlockPos(  0,0,-1 ));
            list9.add( new BlockPos(  0,0,0  ));
            list9.add( new BlockPos(  0,0,1  ));
            list9.add( new BlockPos( -1,0,-1 ));
            list9.add( new BlockPos( -1,0,0  ));
            list9.add( new BlockPos( -1,0,1  ));
	            for( int l = 0 ; l < list9.size() ; l ++){
                xpos = ypos.add(list9.get(l));
                xbst = this.world.getBlockState(xpos);
                xblk = xbst.getBlock();
                if( xblk.isWood(world, xpos) ){
                    System.out.println("Tronco ="+xpos);
                if( xblk.isLeaves(xbst, world, xpos) ){
                    System.out.println("hojas ="+xpos);

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The doc comment for Block#isWood says that it returns "true if the block is wood (logs)", it's not meant to check for other types of wooden blocks. The name could probably be clearer, though.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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