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Hello all,

I'm currently working on a GuiDesigner mod, it's working but I am having an issue with the components scaling. Normally the Minecraft GUI will re-construct the buttons in the initGui method the initGui method gets called when the screen in reconstructed. The screen is reconstructed if you scale up or down the Minecraft window and of course when you enter that screen. My GuiDesigner mod saves and loads the components to and from JSON, so they are never reconstructed. How would I go about scaling all the components to the screen width and height?

any help is greatly appreciated.

here is a video of the GUI in action


Thanks in advance,

Edited by PurePlugins
change title
6 minutes ago, larsgerrits said:

1.7.10 is no longer supported on this forum. You should update to 1.10.2 or, preferably, 1.11.2.


Alright that is fine, This issue is not just with the version I am currently at, this mod is for all Minecraft versions.

25 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

You should probably first let the initGui method do it's thing (it might do other things than just re-constructing components) and then apply your modifications afterwards.

Also stop modding for 1.7.10.


It's funny you say that, I actually do let the initGui handle the initial construction, but I can assure you it does nothing more,

here is the code for the initial construction.


1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:

Again, stop using 1.7.10. It is no longer supported on this forum and your thread will be locked otherwise.


I thought you were actually using the normal main menu. Your code clearly does not re-create the components in initGui. Also you seem to have your own custom system there, how are we supposed to know how to fix that without any code?


I'm not sure how to change the topic on this forum, this mod is not strictly for 1.7.10 it's for 1.7.10 - 1.11.2

And yes, it's not the regular gui, it's a custom component system. The question I have is how can I scale an x and y position on the screen without having access to the original equation that was used to place it where it is. (if that makes sense)

9 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

When you store the position don't store the scaled version, store the unscaled version. In your calculations, etc. you should always deal with the unscaled version. Only add the scaling as the last step.


The code I sent is only used to position the components at first launch, the user can move any component on the screen to their liking, I'm unsure how to scale the X & Y  when I have no idea where it will be.

9 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Ah, I see what you mean. Yeah, you have to do that differently. Don't store scaled positions in the buttons, like I said.


I'm not sure how else to do it, any ideas?

6 hours ago, JTK222 said:

I would simply say that you can store everything as Percentage values, Positions and Widths.

I assume that's the easiest thing you can do.


you mean like 10% from the top, 15% from the right?

would that work?

how would I go about doing that with the scaling 


Yeah that would work in case you make correct calculations.
I meant the percentag values more for the content, that way you could scale the GUI itself without problems and the elements would automatically adjust.


(Exampl for Calculation: (elementPosX/(currentWidth/100)) = element Position on the x axis in percent.)

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