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How do I trigger achievements?


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Hello, I have been trying to get achievements to work but I just can't seem to get them to trigger.


I have registered them and they are showing up in the achievement page I have created and registered, so my suspicion is that the problem lies in my event handler.

My event handler class looks like this:

public class AchievementEventHandler
    public void onEditorOpened(AchievementEvent.EditorOpenedEvent event)
        event.player.addStat(CompilerMod.achievementOpenEditor, 1);

    public  void onEditorSaved(AchievementEvent.EditorSavedEvent event)
        event.player.addStat(CompilerMod.achievementSaveFirst, 1);

        //If compiler errors
        event.player.addStat(CompilerMod.achievementError, 1);

    public  void onRobotChat(AchievementEvent.RobotChatEvent event)
        event.player.addStat(CompilerMod.achievementRobotChat, 1);

    public  void onRobotBroadcast(AchievementEvent.RobotBroadcastEvent event)
        event.player.addStat(CompilerMod.achievementBroadcastMessage, 1);

        //If channel has listeners
        event.player.addStat(CompilerMod.achievementCoodination, 1);

    public  void onRobotAction(AchievementEvent.RobotActionEvent event)
            event.player.addStat(CompilerMod.achievementRobotExplode, 1);

            event.player.addStat(CompilerMod.achievementRobotAttackOther, 1);

    public  void onRobotPlaceBlock(AchievementEvent.RobotPlaceBlockEvent event)
        //Check how blocks are placed
        event.player.addStat(CompilerMod.achievementBuildHouse, 1);


And the events are set up as follows:

public class AchievementEvent extends Event
    public final EntityPlayer player;
    private AchievementEvent(EntityPlayer player){ this.player = player; }

    public static class EditorOpenedEvent extends AchievementEvent
        public EditorOpenedEvent(EntityPlayer player)

    public static class EditorSavedEvent extends AchievementEvent
        public EditorSavedEvent(EntityPlayer player)

    public static class RobotChatEvent extends AchievementEvent
        public String chatMessage;
        public RobotChatEvent(EntityPlayer owner, String chatMessage)
            this.chatMessage = chatMessage;

    public static class RobotBroadcastEvent extends AchievementEvent
        public String message;
        public String channel;
        public RobotBroadcastEvent(EntityPlayer owner, String message, String channel)
            this.message = message;
            this.channel = channel;

    public static class RobotActionEvent extends AchievementEvent
        //This could be changed to an enum
        public String robotAction;
        public RobotActionEvent(EntityPlayer owner, String robotAction)
            this.robotAction = robotAction;

    public static class RobotPlaceBlockEvent extends AchievementEvent
        //This could be changed to an enum
        public Block block;
        public RobotPlaceBlockEvent(EntityPlayer owner, Block block)
            this.block = block;


But when I attempt to raise an event, nothing happens.


Here is an example of a trigger I tried to set up:

public GuiProgramEditor()
    MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new AchievementEvent.EditorOpenedEvent(Minecraft.getMinecraft().player));

Which is located in a GUI constructor.

And finally, the registrations

public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event)

    achievementOpenEditor = new Achievement("", "Opened editor", 0, 0, Items.BOOK, null);
    achievementSaveFirst = new Achievement("", "Saved first script", 2, 0, Items.ITEM_FRAME, achievementOpenEditor);
    achievementRobotChat = new Achievement("", "First words", 2, 2, Items.GHAST_TEAR, achievementSaveFirst);
    achievementRobotExplode = new Achievement("", "Boom", 4,4, Items.TNT_MINECART, achievementSaveFirst).setSpecial();
    achievementRobotAttackOther = new Achievement("", "Ouch", 2,4, Items.DIAMOND_SWORD, achievementSaveFirst);
    achievementBroadcastMessage = new Achievement("", "Robot phone home", 3, 0, Items.WRITABLE_BOOK, achievementSaveFirst);
    achievementCoodination = new Achievement("", "Hello? This is home", 3, 2, Items.WRITTEN_BOOK, achievementBroadcastMessage);
    achievementBuildHouse = new Achievement("", "Nice house", 4,4, Items.COMMAND_BLOCK_MINECART, achievementSaveFirst);
    achievementError = new Achievement("", "ERROR", 5,5, Items.BOOK, achievementSaveFirst).setSpecial();

    educodeAchievementPage = new AchievementPage("EduCode",



Can someone point out to me what I am doing wrong? I have followed countless tutorials about the achievement system, but none of them seem to touch the subject of custom events.


And as a last note, where do I need to put my en_US.lang file, because none of the directories I've tried yet has worked for me :/


Thanks in advance



This is on Forge for Minecraft 1.11.2

Edited by Hisha
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@Mod.EventHandler is only for FML lifecycle events (that extend net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLEvent) and only works in your @Mod class. @SubscribeEvent is for regular events (that extend net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event) and works in any class that's been registered to the appropriate event bus. Events are explained in more detail here.


EntityPlayer#addStat does nothing when called on a client player, you need to call it on a server player (from the logical server).


If you call the one-argument overload of EntityPlayer#addStat, it will call the two-argument overload with a second argument of 1 (like you're doing now).



46 minutes ago, Hisha said:

And as a last note, where do I need to put my en_US.lang file, because none of the directories I've tried yet has worked for me :/


In your mod's pack.mcmeta file, is "pack_format" set to 3?


If it is, Minecraft will only load resources with lowercase names, including lang files. Rename en_US.lang to en_us.lang.


If it's set to 2 or not set at all (either because you don't have a pack.mcmeta file or because it doesn't contain a "pack" section), FML will use the LegacyV2Adapter IResourcePack wrapper for your mod's resources. This will still only load resources with lowercase names, except lang files. Lang files will only be loaded with the mixed case names used in earlier versions (e.g. en_US.lang).

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Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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Thank you very much, I got it to give me the achievements now.. Well. All of them at once for some reason, but I guess that's on my end :P


Where do I find the pack.mcmeta file if I have it? Or where should I make it?

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37 minutes ago, Hisha said:

Where do I find the pack.mcmeta file if I have it? Or where should I make it?


It belongs in src/main/resources. It was only added to the MDK in Forge 1.11.2- and you started with the MDK of Forge 1.11.2- or earlier, so you won't have one unless you've created it.


If you don't have one, download the latest MDK, copy it from there into your mod's workspace, edit the "description" property to say something like "<Your Mod> Resources" (this isn't actually displayed in-game for mod resource packs, but may be used by other mods or external tools) and delete the "_comment" property (this just explains the purpose of the file in the MDK).

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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