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[1.11.2] Working with loaded Minecraft textures


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Hello :D

I'll try to explain this by using spruce wood texture as an example since generalizing it would be a little difficult for you to understand.

As far as I know, Minecraft uses a Map for all textures used by blocks (I'm probably wrong). What I want to do is take the spruce wood texture, make a copy of it, and rename and rotate that same texture and then "give" it to Minecraft to use it. I was wondering if I'm even able to do so (in an easier way) and if there is a way, how can I do it?


P.S. Again the spruce wood texture is just an example, I have loads of other textures to rotate. I don't want to make copies of vanilla textures and place it in my mod file because if a player changes their resource pack, I want my blocks to change their appearance too.


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You can rotate your textures in your blockstates file, I believe(if you need to rotate your texture on a block/item).

Or if you are not satisfied with that you can use a custom IBakedModel. You specify UVs for that yourself and you can rotate them as you please.

If it is for a gui/renderer simply rotate your UVs

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