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[1.10.2] How do I disable the oversized head on the baby version of my mob.


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Just now, V0idWa1k3r said:

What do you need a tutorial for? Creating a resourcelocation? Obtaining a template instance from that location? Calling 1 method to generate the structure from a template?

You start of by creating your structure in game. Then you save it with structure blocks. Then you grab the resulting nbt file and place it in your structures folder in your assets. Then in your world generator you load that structure into memory by calling TemplateManager::getTemplate. Then you call Template::addBlocksToWorld and you are done.

Want an example? Grab one at net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.ComponentScatteredFeaturePieces.Igloo. If you want an example with IWorldGenerator - here is one. It is not perfect but is fine as an example.

Does it work with custom blocks?

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Just now, V0idWa1k3r said:

What do you need a tutorial for? Creating a resourcelocation? Obtaining a template instance from that location? Calling 1 method to generate the structure from a template?

You start of by creating your structure in game. Then you save it with structure blocks. Then you grab the resulting nbt file and place it in your structures folder in your assets. Then in your world generator you load that structure into memory by calling TemplateManager::getTemplate. Then you call Template::addBlocksToWorld and you are done.

Want an example? Grab one at net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.ComponentScatteredFeaturePieces.Igloo. If you want an example with IWorldGenerator - here is one. It is not perfect but is fine as an example.

Hello again! Sorry to bug you again but what do you think is wrong with this? https://pastebin.com/j2Xd6xMM

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1. You continuing to post in this topic which is completely unrelated to your current issue. You already have a topic that is related to worldgen with templates. Post there. Posting here just makes it more difficult for others with the same issue to find a solution later as they are likely to skip this topic judging by it's name.


if ((int) (Math.random() * RealmOfTheDragonsConfig.testhousechance) == 0) 


if (rand.nextInt(RealmOfTheDragonsConfig.testhousechance) == 0)

The whole getGroundFromAbove method can be replaced with world::getPrecipitationHeight and a while loop to 'drop down' to the ground in case precipitation height is a tree leaf or something. More efficient than iterating from 255 and all the way down.

foundGround = blockAt == Blocks.DIRT || blockAt == Blocks.GRASS || blockAt == Blocks.SAND || blockAt == Blocks.SNOW || blockAt == Blocks.SNOW_LAYER;

What if the biome's top block is neither? For example AbyssalCraft's biomes have custom mod-added blocks as top blocks of their biomes.

You can also directly return from the while loop. The foundGround local is redundant.

// if Y > 20 and all corners pass the test, it's okay to spawn the structure
return posAboveGround.getY() > 63 && corner1 && corner2;
if Y > 20
return posAboveGround.getY() > 63

One of these two statements is a lie :P

isCornerValid method currently always returns true so there is no reason for it to exist in it's current implementation.

Why have you hardcoded 63 everywhere as a minimum height? What if the world is lower than that?


Apart from all that I do not see more obvious issues. Is your structure not spawning? What is happening then? Have you tried debuging it? What are the results of the debug?

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Just now, V0idWa1k3r said:

1. You continuing to post in this topic which is completely unrelated to your current issue. You already have a topic that is related to worldgen with templates. Post there. Posting here just makes it more difficult for others with the same issue to find a solution later as they are likely to skip this topic judging by it's name.


if ((int) (Math.random() * RealmOfTheDragonsConfig.testhousechance) == 0) 


if (rand.nextInt(RealmOfTheDragonsConfig.testhousechance) == 0)

The whole getGroundFromAbove method can be replaced with world::getPrecipitationHeight and a while loop to 'drop down' to the ground in case precipitation height is a tree leaf or something. More efficient than iterating from 255 and all the way down.

foundGround = blockAt == Blocks.DIRT || blockAt == Blocks.GRASS || blockAt == Blocks.SAND || blockAt == Blocks.SNOW || blockAt == Blocks.SNOW_LAYER;

What if the biome's top block is neither? For example AbyssalCraft's biomes have custom mod-added blocks as top blocks of their biomes.

You can also directly return from the while loop. The foundGround local is redundant.

// if Y > 20 and all corners pass the test, it's okay to spawn the structure
return posAboveGround.getY() > 63 && corner1 && corner2;

if Y > 20
return posAboveGround.getY() > 63

One of these two statements is a lie :P

isCornerValid method currently always returns true so there is no reason for it to exist in it's current implementation.

Why have you hardcoded 63 everywhere as a minimum height? What if the world is lower than that?


Apart from all that I do not see more obvious issues. Is your structure not spawning? What is happening then? Have you tried debuging it? What are the results of the debug?

Ok so this gonna be my last post here, the structure is not spawning and the debugs ain't showing anything.

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3 minutes ago, TheRPGAdventurer said:

and the debugs ain't showing anything

The debuger can't 'not show anything'. Even if your breakpoint isn't triggered it is already showing something, isn't it? It is showing that your code isn't being executed. Then you take if from there and try to see why exactly is it not being executed. If your whole IWorldGenerator is not being triggered(that is a breakpoint at the start of the generate method isn't triggered) then you are not registering your generator correctly. If that breakpoint is triggered something later down the lines isn't correct and the breakpoints allow you to figure out precisely what.

If you are using logging to debug - well, you shouldn't. Learn how to do breakpoints, it is literally 1 click of your left mouse button. Logs were ment to give information to the end-user, not to debug. Try again with breakpoints(or if you already are tell exactly what part of your code is not being executed) and post the answer in that other topic of yours.

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