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1.10.2 How do I make my entity drop multiple items,


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Use loot tables. You can override EntityLiving::getLootTable and return an appropriate loot table.

Or you can drop your items in any methods that fire on entity's death, like



or even


if you really need to do it there of all places for some mysterious reason

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Just now, V0idWa1k3r said:

Use loot tables. You can override EntityLiving::getLootTable and return an appropriate loot table.

Or you can drop your items in any methods that fire on entity's death, like



or even


if you really need to do it there of all places for some mysterious reason

Oh it's you again Sir! I also want it shearable i don't want it to be used by ordianary shears i mean diamond shears for shearing the tough scales of the dragon.

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Then in your diamond shears item you can override the Item::itemInteractionForEntity method, check that the entity you are interacting is your dragon and drop your desired items.See ItemShears to see how it is done there in more details. 


My timezone seems to be slightly different from most of other forum members thus I am the one answering you right now :)

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Just now, V0idWa1k3r said:

Then in your diamond shears item you can override the Item::itemInteractionForEntity method, check that the entity you are interacting is your dragon and drop your desired items.See ItemShears to see how it is done there in more details. 


My timezone seems to be slightly different from most of other forum members thus I am the one answering you right now :)

Just like in the sheep class?

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If you make your dragon extend IShearable then it will be shearable by normal shears as well. Although you can simply check if the shears are your desired diamond shears in your dragon's isShearable method and only then return true thus allowing the entity to be sheared by only your diamond shears. It is up to you which way do you want to go, really. Both ways will work. Either make checks if the entity is the dragon in your Item implementation or check if the shears are your diamond shears in your Entity implementation.

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Just now, V0idWa1k3r said:

If you make your dragon extend IShearable then it will be shearable by normal shears as well. Although you can simply check if the shears are your desired diamond shears in your dragon's isShearable method and only then return true thus allowing the entity to be sheared by only your diamond shears. It is up to you which way do you want to go, really. Both ways will work. Either make checks if the entity is the dragon in your Item implementation or check if the shears are your diamond shears in your Entity implementation.

Oh I mean the loot tables, just like the one's in the sheep, you know multiple methods.

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I believe it is the metadata for dye items. While blocks casually moved from metadata to blockstates(although metadata is obviously still there) items still use raw numbers for their differentiations. 

This particular field is used in recipes, cocoa beans drops, model registering, colors for collars/sheep/etc

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I will post the source codes,

this is the main Entity Class, It's called EntityTameableDragon https://pastebin.com/nMZRYnBE.

this is the DragonBreedClass, https://pastebin.com/NYRZus6D

an example of dragon breed the original mod based it's breeds on elements like water fire but I based mine with gemstones  https://pastebin.com/jUwkX7KP

another example of a breed https://pastebin.com/XtgrUwqg

the class that enumerates each breed EnumDragonbreed https://pastebin.com/Lqk6jKKS


what I want is that each breed has different drops, I am really struggling for this mod is not originally mine. He just gave us the source code as if he was giving gold for free.

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Just now, V0idWa1k3r said:

Well, if the method is being called at all(and it should be, looks fine to me, but you still should debug it) you should check your loottables. Are they registered properly? Are they pointing to correct JSON files? Are those files correct?

well yes they are, but the problem is when I make the dragon drop the same item it works but when I make them drop different items per breed it will disappear in the world as if it was never there.

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Well, based on the code you have posted I see a problem:

if (this.getSheared()) {       
        switch (this.getBreedType())

So your switch statement will only get evaluated if the getSheared() method returns false. If it returns true the getLootTable() returns null and no items are dropped.

And a few lines below:

private boolean getSheared() {
        return true;

So based on the code you have posted the dragons will actually never drop anything.

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Just now, V0idWa1k3r said:

Well, based on the code you have posted I see a problem:

if (this.getSheared()) {       
        switch (this.getBreedType())

So your switch statement will only get evaluated if the getSheared() method returns false. If it returns true the getLootTable() returns null and no items are dropped.

And a few lines below:

private boolean getSheared() {
        return true;

So based on the code you have posted the dragons will actually never drop anything.

Thanks a lot man, i'll try that out if i can run my program tho cause I updated my java to 131 thinking eclipse is smart that it knew that I updated java, how can I access preferences by the way.

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Just now, V0idWa1k3r said:

Well, based on the code you have posted I see a problem:

if (this.getSheared()) {       
        switch (this.getBreedType())

So your switch statement will only get evaluated if the getSheared() method returns false. If it returns true the getLootTable() returns null and no items are dropped.

And a few lines below:

private boolean getSheared() {
        return true;

So based on the code you have posted the dragons will actually never drop anything.

what if I removed the getSheared() method will it still be evaluated?

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On 5/18/2017 at 9:59 AM, V0idWa1k3r said:

Well, post your new code and elaborate on what you've already tried and what are the debugging results.

Hello Sir, 

     Are you still there? I fixed the dragons dropping items now but I'm not done with the shearing. does the wool blocks have their own class per color or have just one class but is rendered with different colors?

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Just now, V0idWa1k3r said:

One class, one Item instance, different metadata/blockstates

The only problem of onSheared is that because I have multiple different Items with their own classes and are treated as ingots, and the onsheared method have this 

ret.add(new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.WOOL), 1, this.getFleeceColor().getMetadata()));


I can change getFlleceColor to getBreedType But the ItemStack is pretty difficult.

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