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Skin API


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Hi, i m newer here, i m not sure about how long this project covers. But i am a little programmer an i have an idea (or request/petition) for mod or core mod.


Recenlty I installed successful the client MC+Forge and Bukkit+Forge+MCPC. All well (well.. waiting for 1.4.7 ports) :D


As much people, everytime i m in looking for Skins Support. Allmost of the skins suports are not compatible with Forte, and obviously i preffer forge haha. But i found a easy method to put skins (not compatible yet) that is easy to implement in Forge.


Forge has modified minecraft classes, okay. Other plugins are not compatible because they modify the same clases, okay.


Normally everybody uses a ... launcher. Mods change the launcher or minecraft files to give skin support.


I found a skin support that is easy for you Forge Developers. However it modifies classes that you modifies.


But grant me the favor for at leas you take a look.


This is http://minecrack.fr.nf/mc/ .


This web has a supplantation system for minecraft.net account/skins. But read at end, to understand that i m not propposing a supplantation.


It works:

1) register, login, put skin....

2) download cracked client... <fucking off forge :(>

3) there you havee the skin..


we.. okay, understood


already forge supply support for other mods an server-mod communication, and with MC player api its great, but, i suppose forge not HAVE modified the classes for support skins


Maybe forge modified the same classes that minecrack modified, but withour offering support for skins, only for mod prupposes.




I pruppose Forge, to re-modify these clases like MineCrack done. Not for directly CRACH the skin system. Not for hack pruppose. This is bad! :S. YEI! but, to offer to uses, to choice how skins are managed.


My knowledge is lost from here. So i imagine:


New forge classes supported third party skins system.

Other people create mods for forge to use skins.

Other people create ports tod mcpc to manage skins.

Other users create php libs to manage skins.




Thank you

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It's totally counterproductive.

Minecraft.net allows you to change your skin if you're a premium user. Else, fuck off.

Thread locked.

Read the EAQ before posting! OR ELSE!


This isn't building better software, its trying to grab a place in the commit list of a highly visible github project.




Don't PM me, I don't check this account unless I have to.

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