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[1.11.2] hide the other hand/item while the mainhand is in use


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good days

some time ago i made the same question and the answer means to  mess whith an event in the client side,

But that method has its down side for why i end not using it 



now im thinking in create and item whith a transparent texture, give this item a capability of store an slot and giveit  a timer afther what it will disapear from inventory and restore the original item to he slot 


let say i have the bow in the offhand slot the [40]  and have the arrow  in the main hand slot[2]

so i made the code in the bow to wen it reach onitemUse()  tick = 1;

its call the transparent item,

via capability the transparent item gonna store the mainhand stack from slot[2] and set itself in that slots[2] whith a timer of 20ticks afther that 

the transparent item set again the arrowstack in the slot[2] and delete ifself, if after 20ticks the bow is still thigtheng  it repets the operations until shoot the arrow 


well this solution seem to me to complicated but its something



? its a better and easy way to hide the other hand item while using this other ¿ 












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