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[1.11.2] Editing Vanilla Structure Generation


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Hello, I was having some trouble with editing the blocks that spawn when a vanilla structure is generated. Is there a way I can do this without making my own custom class file based off of that Structure?


Method I'm attempting to change:


 protected IBlockState getBiomeSpecificBlockState(IBlockState blockstateIn)
                net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.BiomeEvent.GetVillageBlockID event = new net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.BiomeEvent.GetVillageBlockID(startPiece == null ? null : startPiece.biome, blockstateIn);
                if (event.getResult() == net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event.Result.DENY) return event.getReplacement();
                if (this.structureType == 1)
                    if (blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.LOG || blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.LOG2)
                        return Blocks.SANDSTONE.getDefaultState();

                    if (blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.COBBLESTONE)
                        return Blocks.SANDSTONE.getStateFromMeta(BlockSandStone.EnumType.DEFAULT.getMetadata());

                    if (blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.PLANKS)
                        return Blocks.SANDSTONE.getStateFromMeta(BlockSandStone.EnumType.SMOOTH.getMetadata());

                    if (blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.OAK_STAIRS)
                        return Blocks.SANDSTONE_STAIRS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockStairs.FACING, blockstateIn.getValue(BlockStairs.FACING));

                    if (blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.STONE_STAIRS)
                        return Blocks.SANDSTONE_STAIRS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockStairs.FACING, blockstateIn.getValue(BlockStairs.FACING));

                    if (blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.GRAVEL)
                        return Blocks.SANDSTONE.getDefaultState();
                else if (this.structureType == 3)
                    if (blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.LOG || blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.LOG2)
                        return Blocks.LOG.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockOldLog.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.SPRUCE).withProperty(BlockLog.LOG_AXIS, blockstateIn.getValue(BlockLog.LOG_AXIS));

                    if (blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.PLANKS)
                        return Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.SPRUCE);

                    if (blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.OAK_STAIRS)
                        return Blocks.SPRUCE_STAIRS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockStairs.FACING, blockstateIn.getValue(BlockStairs.FACING));

                    if (blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.OAK_FENCE)
                        return Blocks.SPRUCE_FENCE.getDefaultState();
                else if (this.structureType == 2)
                    if (blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.LOG || blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.LOG2)
                        return Blocks.LOG2.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockNewLog.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.ACACIA).withProperty(BlockLog.LOG_AXIS, blockstateIn.getValue(BlockLog.LOG_AXIS));

                    if (blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.PLANKS)
                        return Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPlanks.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.ACACIA);

                    if (blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.OAK_STAIRS)
                        return Blocks.ACACIA_STAIRS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockStairs.FACING, blockstateIn.getValue(BlockStairs.FACING));

                    if (blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.COBBLESTONE)
                        return Blocks.LOG2.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockNewLog.VARIANT, BlockPlanks.EnumType.ACACIA).withProperty(BlockLog.LOG_AXIS, BlockLog.EnumAxis.Y);

                    if (blockstateIn.getBlock() == Blocks.OAK_FENCE)
                        return Blocks.ACACIA_FENCE.getDefaultState();

                return blockstateIn;


Villages spawn in the Ice Plains Biome in my mod, and I'd like some biome-specific blocks to generate on the structures that spawn.


Referenced in the StructureVillagePieces.class:


IBlockState iblockstate1 = this.getBiomeSpecificBlockState(Blocks.OAK_STAIRS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockStairs.FACING, EnumFacing.NORTH));
IBlockState iblockstate2 = this.getBiomeSpecificBlockState(Blocks.OAK_STAIRS.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockStairs.FACING, EnumFacing.WEST));
IBlockState iblockstate3 = this.getBiomeSpecificBlockState(Blocks.PLANKS.getDefaultState());


this.setBlockState(worldIn, iblockstate3, 3, 3, 1, structureBoundingBoxIn);


Thanks for any help.

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The getBiomeSpecificBlockState method fires the BiomeEvent.GetVillageBlockID event, which allows you to change the IBlockState returned by it based on the Biome.


To change the IBlockState:

  • Subscribe to the event. Note that it's fired on MinecraftForge.TERRAIN_GEN_BUS rather than MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.
  • Check that the Biome is Ice Plains.
  • Use BiomeEvent.GetVillageBlockID#getOriginal to get the original IBlockState.
  • Set the replacement IBlockState with BiomeEvent.GetVillageBlockID#setReplacement.
  • Set the event's result to Event.Result.DENY with Event#setResult to use the replacement IBlockState instead of the original.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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