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[SOLVED] Block state syncing issue

Jay Avery

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I feel like this must be something really obvious, because it seems very basic. I've got a custom door (which does not subclass vanilla BlockDoor - I'm adding and changing a lot of functionality so it's easiest to do from scratch), which opens and closes on right-click (as vanilla). In singleplayer this works fine, but in multiplayer there is a weird syncing problem. Visually, the door appears not to change its state - the model and the highlight bounding box stay the same. But the state does change on the server - if you try to walk through the door after 'closing' it (even though it still looks open), you bump into it (in a glitchy, jerky way), and can't get through.


Here is my onBlockActivated.


public boolean onBlockActivated(World world, BlockPos thisPos,
    	IBlockState thisState, EntityPlayer player, EnumHand hand,
        EnumFacing side, float x, float y, float z) {

    BlockPos otherPos = thisState.getValue(TOP) ?
      thisPos.down() : thisPos.up();
    IBlockState otherState = world.getBlockState(otherPos);

    if (otherState.getBlock() != this || world.isRemote) {

      return false;

    thisState = thisState.cycleProperty(OPEN);
    world.setBlockState(thisPos, thisState);
    world.setBlockState(otherPos, otherState
                        .withProperty(OPEN, thisState.getValue(OPEN)));
    world.playEvent(player, thisState.getValue(OPEN) ?
                    1006 : 1012, thisPos, 0);

    return true;


I was under the impression that setBlockState by default synchronises the state change with the client - and I've stepped through in the debugger and seen that it does reach notifyBlockUpdate. So I don't understand why it doesn't seem to be updating properly? The whole class is here (along with the rest of my code).

Edited by Jay Avery
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