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[1.12] SwingItem / sendUseItem


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Hey guys i have two short question.

In Minecraft 1.8 i used the method player.swingItem();


Today in version 1.12 it isn't available. Does anybody know the new name of it?

The next renamed method is the playercontrollermp.sendUseitem. Does anybody know the new name?


Best regards

Edited by MsGeburt
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EntityLivingBase#swingItem has been replaced by EntityLivingBase#swingArm.

PlayerControllerMP#sendUseItem has been replaced by PlayerControllerMP#processRightClick.


Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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Hey @Choonster

thank you for helping me with my swingItem problem.

I have 2 short questions if you may answer them:

1.) How do you know how the new names are? then i don't have to ask anymore and
2.) in earlier versions i used player.sendPacket() but this doesn't work anymore either. And i don't find the new way to send packets to the server

Edited by MsGeburt
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1 hour ago, MsGeburt said:

1.) How do you know how the new names are? then i don't have to ask anymore and


I looked at where they were called in the old version and looked for the same code in the new version. I then looked at the methods called in that section in the new version to see which ones did roughly the same thing as the old ones.


Other resources include this issue tracker, which documents most renames in 1.8+ and MCPBot, which you can use to find the new name of a field/method/parameter from the old one. I explain how to use MCPBot in more detail here.



1 hour ago, MsGeburt said:

2.) in earlier versions i used player.sendPacket() but this doesn't work anymore either. And i don't find the new way to send packets to the server


NetHandlerPlayClient#sendPacket can be used to send vanilla client-to-server packets. You can get the NetHandlerPlayClient instance from Minecraft#getConnection or EntityPlayerSP#connection.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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