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Custom Entity not being tracked by client


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Hey everyone,

all the info I could google on custom entities pertains to living entities - but I need to use a straight extension of Entity for my multiblock structures. I managed to get it all working just fine, except the entity doesn't get sent out to the client. The client is clearly in range (I set the tracking range to 32, with the player being within at most 5 blocks of the entity). The entities position is correct on the server, and the register method gets called just fine too. Here's all the code (nevermind the registration in EntityBoilerMultiblock, a breakpoint there does indeed trigger so the way I call it is irrelevant as far as this is concerned). I also annotated stuff that might be confusing to people unfamiliar with Kotlin, the rest should be pretty much self explanatory.


The SyncedEntity class:

// ?. = null safe version of . | ?: fallback if null

abstract class SyncedEntity(world: World) : Entity(world), ISyncMapProvider, IEntityAdditionalSpawnData {

    override val syncMap: SyncMapEntity<SyncedEntity> = SyncMapEntity(this)

    init { //constructor
        SyncObjectScanner.instance.registerAllFields(syncMap, this)

    override fun writeEntityToNBT(compound: NBTTagCompound) {

    override fun readEntityFromNBT(compound: NBTTagCompound) {

    protected abstract fun createSyncedFields()
    fun addSyncedObject(name: String, obj: ISyncableObject) { syncMap.put(name, obj) }
    fun sync() = syncMap.sync()

    override fun readSpawnData(additionalData: ByteBuf) {

    override fun writeSpawnData(buffer: ByteBuf) {
        syncMap.writeToStream(DataOutputStream(ByteBufOutputStream(buffer)), true)

    protected fun createPacket(fullPacket: Boolean): Packet<*> {
        val payload = syncMap.createPayload(fullPacket)
        return SyncChannelHolder.createPacket(payload)

    override fun entityInit() {


    override fun getEntityData(): NBTTagCompound {
        val tag = NBTTagCompound()
        return tag


And the EntityMultiblock class:

abstract class EntityMultiblock(world: World) : SyncedEntity(world) {
    abstract fun destroy()
    override fun canRenderOnFire(): Boolean = false
    override fun canBeCollidedWith(): Boolean = false
    override fun canBePushed(): Boolean = false
    override fun dealFireDamage(amount: Int) = Unit
    override fun attackEntityFrom(source: DamageSource?, amount: Float): Boolean = false
    override fun canTrample(world: World?, block: Block?, pos: BlockPos?, fallDistance: Float): Boolean = false


And finally the EntityBoilerMultiblock class (with some unrelated parts removed for brevity):

class EntityBoilerMultiblock(world: World) : EntityMultiblock(world), IHasGui, IInventoryProvider, IItemHandler {
    companion object { //static
        init {
            KaidenCraft.preInitEvent += { EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(ResourceLocation(KaidenCraft.MOD_ID, "multiblock_boiler"),
                    EntityBoilerMultiblock::class.java, "multiblock_boiler", 0, KaidenCraft.instance, 32, 20, false) } //lambda added to handler list

        fun rebuild(world: World, pos: BlockPos): EntityBoilerMultiblock? {

            val entity = EntityBoilerMultiblock(world)
            entity.setPosition(currentPos.x.toDouble(), currentPos.y.toDouble(), currentPos.z.toDouble())
            boilerBlocks.join(tankBlocks).forEach { // exactly the same as for(BlockPos it : tankBlocks)
                val te = world.getTileEntity(it)
                if(te is TileEntityMultiblockPart) {
                    if(te.multiblockId.value != 0) getMultiblockEnt(world, te)?.destroy()
                    te.multiblockId.value = entity.entityId

            Log.debug("Found multiblock, contains ${boilerBlocks.size} boiler/tank units")
            return entity

			//code in TileEntityMultiblockPart: if(entity != null) world.spawnEntity(entity)

        private fun getMultiblockEnt(world: World, te: TileEntityMultiblockPart): EntityMultiblock? {
            return (world.getEntityByID(te.multiblockId.value)) as? EntityMultiblock

    override fun destroy() {

    lateinit var boilerBurnTime: SyncableInt
    lateinit var currentItemBurnTime: SyncableInt
    lateinit var waterTank: SyncableTank
    lateinit var steamTank: SyncableTank
    lateinit var boilerBlocks: SyncableCoordList
    lateinit var tankBlocks: SyncableCoordList

    override fun onEntityUpdate() {

    override fun insertItem(slot: Int, stack: ItemStack, simulate: Boolean): ItemStack {

    override fun getStackInSlot(slot: Int): ItemStack = inventory.getStackInSlot(slot)
    override fun getSlotLimit(slot: Int): Int = inventory.sizeInventory
    override fun getSlots(): Int = 1
    override fun extractItem(slot: Int, amount: Int, simulate: Boolean): ItemStack {
        return emptyItemStack

    override fun createSyncedFields() {
        syncMap.sentSyncEvent += {
            if(it.changes.contains(waterTank)) waterTank.capacity = 4000 * tankBlocks.size
            if(it.changes.contains(steamTank)) steamTank.capacity = 4000 * tankBlocks.size

        boilerBurnTime = SyncableInt()
        currentItemBurnTime = SyncableInt()
        boilerBlocks = SyncableCoordList()
        tankBlocks = SyncableCoordList()
        waterTank = SyncableTank(4000)
        steamTank = SyncableTank(4000)

    override fun writeToNBT(tag: NBTTagCompound): NBTTagCompound {
        tag.setTag("inventory", inventory.serializeNBT())
        return tag

    override fun readFromNBT(tag: NBTTagCompound) {

    override val inventory: InventorySerializable = object: InventorySerializable("boiler", false, 1) {
        override fun isItemValidForSlot(i: Int, stack: ItemStack): Boolean = GameRegistry.getFuelValue(stack) > 0

    override fun getServerGui(player: EntityPlayer): Any {
        return ContainerBoiler(player.inventory, this)

    override fun getClientGui(player: EntityPlayer): Any {
        return GuiBoiler(ContainerBoiler(player.inventory, this))

    override fun canOpenGui(player: EntityPlayer): Boolean = true
    fun isFurnaceBurning(): Boolean = boilerBurnTime.value > 0


Also the SyncMap class since this is about syncing:

class SyncMapEntity<out H>(handler: H) : SyncMap<H>(handler) where H : Entity, H : ISyncMapProvider {

    override val handlerType: SyncMap.HandlerType = HandlerType.ENTITY

    override val playersWatching: Set<EntityPlayerMP> by lazy { NetUtils.getPlayersWatchingEntity(handler.world as WorldServer, handler.entityId) } // just lazy loading the value

    override val world: World = handler.world

    override val invalid = handler.isDead

abstract class SyncMap<out H : ISyncMapProvider>(protected val handler: H) {
    companion object { // static
        class SyncFieldException : RuntimeException {
            constructor(cause: Throwable, name: String) : super("Failed to sync field '$name'", cause)
            constructor(cause: Throwable, index: Int) : super("Failed to sync field $index", cause)

        private val MAX_OBJECT_NUM = 16

        fun findSyncMap(world: World, input: DataInput): ISyncMapProvider? {
            val handlerTypeId = ByteUtils.readVLI(input)

            require(handlerTypeId < HandlerType.TYPES.size) { "SERIOUS BUG!!! handler type" }

            val handlerType = HandlerType.TYPES[handlerTypeId]
            val handler = handlerType.findHandler(world, input)
            return handler

    class SyncEvent(val changes: Set<ISyncableObject>)

    abstract class HandlerType {
        companion object { //static
            val ENTITY = object: HandlerType() {
                override val ordinal = 1

                override fun findHandler(world: World, input: DataInput): ISyncMapProvider? {
                    val entityId = input.readInt()
                    val entity = world.getEntityByID(entityId)
                    if(entity is ISyncMapProvider) return entity

                    Log.warn("Invalid handler info: can't find ISyncHandler entity id $entityId")
                    return null

                override fun writeHandlerInfo(handler: ISyncMapProvider, output: DataOutput) {
                    try {
                        val e = handler as Entity
                    } catch (e: ClassCastException) {
                        throw RuntimeException("Invalid usage of handler type", e)

            val TILE_ENTITY = object: HandlerType() {
                override val ordinal = 0

                override fun findHandler(world: World, input: DataInput): ISyncMapProvider? {
                    val x = input.readInt()
                    val y = input.readInt()
                    val z = input.readInt()
                    val blockPos = BlockPos(x, y ,z)

                    if(!world.isAirBlock(blockPos)) {
                        val tile = world.getTileEntity(blockPos)
                        if(tile is ISyncMapProvider) return tile

                    Log.warn("Invalid handler info: can't find ISyncHandler TE @ ($x,$y,$z)", x, y, z)
                    return null

                override fun writeHandlerInfo(handler: ISyncMapProvider, output: DataOutput) {
                    try {
                        val tileEntity = handler as TileEntity
                    } catch (e: ClassCastException) {
                        throw RuntimeException("Invalid usage of handler type", e)

            internal val TYPES = arrayOf(TILE_ENTITY, ENTITY)

        abstract fun findHandler(world: World, input: DataInput): ISyncMapProvider?

        abstract fun writeHandlerInfo(handler: ISyncMapProvider, output: DataOutput)
        abstract val ordinal: Int

    private val knownUsers = hashSetOf<Int>()

    private val objects = arrayOfNulls<ISyncableObject>(16)
    private val nameMap = hashMapOf<String, ISyncableObject>()
    private val objectToId = Maps.newIdentityHashMap<ISyncableObject, Int>()

    val sentSyncEvent = Event<SyncEvent>()
    val receivedSyncEvent = Event<SyncEvent>()
    val clientInitEvent = Event<SyncEvent>()

    private var index = 0

    val size get() = index

    fun put(name: String, value: ISyncableObject) {
        require(index < MAX_OBJECT_NUM) { "Can't add more than $MAX_OBJECT_NUM objects" }
        val objId = index++
        objects[objId] = value //equivalent to objects.put(objId, value)
        nameMap[name] = value
        val prev = objectToId.put(value, objId)
        require(prev == null) { "Object $value registered twice, under ids $prev and $objId" }

    operator fun set(name: String, value: ISyncableObject) = put(name, value)

    operator fun get(name: String) = nameMap["name"] ?: throw NoSuchElementException(name)
    operator fun get(objectId: Int): ISyncableObject {
        try {
            return objects[objectId] ?: throw NoSuchElementException(objectId.toString())
        } catch (e: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) {
            throw NoSuchElementException(objectId.toString())

    fun getId(objectt: ISyncableObject): Int {
        return objectToId[objectt] ?: throw NoSuchElementException(objectt.toString())

    fun readFromStream(dataInputStream: DataInputStream) {
        var mask = dataInputStream.readShort()
        val changes = Sets.newIdentityHashSet<ISyncableObject>()
        var currentBit = 0

        while(mask != 0.toShort()) {
            if((mask and 1.toShort()) != 0.toShort()) {
                val objectt = objects[currentBit]
                if(objectt != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (e: Throwable) {
                        throw SyncFieldException(e, currentBit)
            mask = (mask.toInt() shr 1).toShort()

        if(!changes.isEmpty()) receivedSyncEvent.fire(SyncEvent(Collections.unmodifiableSet(changes)))

    @Throws(IOException::class) fun writeToStream(dataOutputStream: DataOutputStream, fullPacket: Boolean) {
        var mask = 0
        for(i in 0..index-1) {
            val objectt = objects[i]
            if(objectt != null && (fullPacket || objectt.isDirty())) {
                mask = ByteUtils.on(mask, i)

        for(i in 0..index-1) {
            val objectt = objects[i]
            if(objectt != null && (fullPacket || objectt.isDirty())) {
                try {
                } catch (t: Throwable) {
                    throw SyncFieldException(t, i)

    protected abstract val handlerType: HandlerType
    protected abstract val playersWatching: Set<EntityPlayerMP>
    protected abstract val world: World
    protected abstract val invalid: Boolean

    fun sync() {
        require(!world.isRemote) { "This method can only be used server side" }
        if(invalid) return

        val changes = listChanges()
        val hasChanges = !changes.isEmpty()

        val fullPacketTargets = arrayListOf<EntityPlayerMP>()
        val deltaPacketTargets = arrayListOf<EntityPlayerMP>()

        val players = playersWatching
        for(player in players) {
            if(knownUsers.contains(player.entityId)) {
                if(hasChanges) deltaPacketTargets.add(player)
            } else {

        try {
            if(!deltaPacketTargets.isEmpty()) {
                val deltaPayload = createPayload(false)
                SyncChannelHolder.instance.value.sendPayloadToPlayers(deltaPayload, deltaPacketTargets)
        } catch (e: IOException) {
            Log.warn(e, "IOError during delta sync")

        try {
            if(!fullPacketTargets.isEmpty()) {
                val fullPayload = createPayload(true)
                SyncChannelHolder.instance.value.sendPayloadToPlayers(fullPayload, fullPacketTargets)
        } catch (e: IOException) {
            Log.warn(e, "IOError during full sync")

        if(hasChanges) {

    private fun listChanges() = objects.filter { it != null && it.isDirty() }.toSet() as Set<ISyncableObject>
    private fun markClean(changes: Set<ISyncableObject>) = changes.forEach { it.markClean() }

    fun createPayload(fullPacket: Boolean): PacketBuffer {
        val output = Unpooled.buffer()
        val type = handlerType
        ByteBufUtils.writeVarInt(output, type.ordinal, 5)

        val dataOutputStream = DataOutputStream(ByteBufOutputStream(output))
        type.writeHandlerInfo(handler, dataOutputStream)
        writeToStream(dataOutputStream, fullPacket)

        return PacketBuffer(output.copy())

    fun writeToNBT(tag: NBTTagCompound) {
        for((name, obj) in nameMap.entries) {
            try {
                obj.writeToNBT(tag, name)
            } catch (e: Throwable) {
                throw SyncFieldException(e, name)

    fun readFromNBT(tag: NBTTagCompound) {
        for((name, obj) in nameMap.entries) {
            try {
                obj.readFromNBT(tag, name)
            } catch (e: Throwable) {
                throw SyncFieldException(e, name)

Full GitHub for library and mod here and here

Hope someone can help me out here. Cheers in advance.

Edited by BenignBanana
Fixed a bug that was added after testing.
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