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1.12 Mod Dimension from pre-made map


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I'm toying with adding a dimension to my mod. I'd like the dimension to be from an existing limited map, no seed/generation rules needed. Picture a sky island, for example.


Before I start writing a custom IWorldGenerator to solve this, I thought there might be a solution, or a way to simplify the process.


One thought I had was to use a structure_block, maybe subclassed to bypass the 32x32x32 limit.


Thanks in advance.



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  • 1 year later...

I just tried doing that, but instead got stuck in a unreal dimension with not any sun or moon, while being console-spammed of that:

[File IO Thread/ERROR] [minecraft/AnvilChunkLoader]: Failed to save chunk

Escaping the dimension and re-entering it results in a complete blank world.


Here's the line for getSaveFolder:

public String getSaveFolder()
	return Reference.MODID + ":worlds/wol";

Here's the entire dimension file and the world folder.


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I've done this FileMover class:

public class FileMover
	public static Path createTempDirectory(Path dir, String prefix, FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
	throws IOException
		return dir;

But then? How do I get the path to the world file itself, at dir in FileMover.createTempDirectory(dir, prefix, attrs);?

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11 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

That would be the default location, provided your dimension ID is 64 (it should be configurable).

Yes, sure, that's what I want.

public final class CopyFiles
	public static void toWorld(String FROM_s) throws IOException
	    Path FROM = Paths.get(FROM_s);
	    Path TO = DimensionManager.getCurrentSaveRootDirectory().toPath();
	    CopyOption[] options = new CopyOption[]
	    Files.copy(FROM, TO, options);

I've made this class, but now I must get the path to my map in the .jar for the var Path, how can I do this?

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Hey again!

I actually progressed very well since yetersday and found a way to do it properly, but I still need to solve an issue.

Firstly, here's my new method:

public final class CopyFiles
	public static void toWorld(String dir, String file, int dim) throws IOException
	    Path FROM = new File(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MODID + ":worlds/" + dir + "/" + file).getPath()).toPath();
	    Path TO = new File(DimensionManager.getCurrentSaveRootDirectory(), "DIM-64/" + file).toPath();
	    CopyOption[] options = new CopyOption[]
	    Files.copy(FROM, TO, options);

But upon loading the world, the game crashes and reports: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: worlds\wol\region\r.0.0.mca which I interpretate as an error with the FROM variable. Anything helping would be very cool, thanks in advance.


EDIT: Woops, didn't saw the thread had a second page, currently looking at what you said, this very comment is useless, do like if you didn't saw it.

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Following what you've said,here's my new-new method:

public final class CopyFiles
	public static void toWorld(String dir, String file, int dim) throws IOException
	    InputStream FROM = CopyFiles.class.getResourceAsStream("assets/mubble/worlds" + dir + "/" + file);
	    //Path FROM = new File(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MODID + ":worlds/" + dir + "/" + file).getPath()).toPath();
	    Path TO = new File(DimensionManager.getCurrentSaveRootDirectory(), "DIM-64/" + file).toPath();
	    CopyOption[] options = new CopyOption[]
	    Files.copy(FROM, TO, options);

The game crashes, FROM is null.

I don't think I understood how to use getResourceAsStream, could you explain please?

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You should use a resource location and look at how vanilla turns them into real paths. You should also use the ResourceLocation constructor that takes a domain and a path, not put it together manually with domain + ":" + path

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9 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

So at the end, how the FROM variable will look like? I'm sorry, I still don't really understand from which class I must do the getResourceAsStream neither what to put in it.


Also, my region folder is located here:


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Okay so apparently InputStream FROM = CopyFiles.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("assets/mubble/worlds/" + dir + "/" + file); seems to work, but now the game crashes because the StandardCopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES is not supported, should I just remove it?

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Okay, it works now. For anyone interested, here's my class:

public final class MoveFiles
	public static void copyToWorld(String dir, String file, int dim) throws IOException
	    InputStream FROM = MoveFiles.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("assets/mubble/worlds/" + dir + "/" + file);
	    Path TO = new File(Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameDir + "/saves/" + Minecraft.getMinecraft().getIntegratedServer().getFolderName(), "/DIM" + dim + "/" + file).toPath();
	    CopyOption[] options = new CopyOption[] { };
	    Path parentDir = TO.getParent();
	    if (!Files.exists(parentDir)) Files.createDirectories(parentDir);
	    if (Files.exists(TO)) return;
	    Files.copy(FROM, TO, options);


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