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Modding__With__Forge__Cannot instantiate the type?


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Iv been able to create steps and iv moved onto slabs, i basicly took minecrafts slabs and figure out all the red errors but in the core class:

Block RedStoneSlab = new MeetTheMod_B_Slab(RedStoneSlabID, MeetTheMod_A_SUPER_CORE.RedStone, 64).setResistance(0.8F).setBlockName("RedStoneSlab");


This in red says it cant Instantiate the type  MeetTheMod_B_Slab and it confuses me...


Heres the class file i took from the soruces: http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/ca9d6134


If you know my problem can you just stupify it for me? tell me were to go what to change or direct me to a working tutorial <3


thanks in advance!


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I might me maken a java mod but doesint always mean the one maken the mod knows this stuff lol im letrally new to this and i only know what i know from tutorials for miencrasft only lol asume the worst!


Also i took out abstract didint notice it was there and it keeps telling me to add it :( Still a noob any more help about maken slabs mate?

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actually if theres a updated tutorial on maken slabs that would help greatly.


I know how to make tools, armor, ore generation, smelting, items, food, plants and flowers, steps and maybe something else i cant think of right now.


I just need pointers or a tutorial or updated examples. Im not a dumbass  show me once and ill probally know how to update ect.

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I figured out steps on my own with the minor help of pointing my attention to "Block" since my only problem with steps was i was extending block not BlockStairs and then it worked fine, there was no tutorials for steps from what i could find all im asking is for help on slabs since i cant figure out what i need to change in the side class.


I just need a working example, but i do intend to learn java properly i just want to get 15% of this mod finished so i can post it and see how well it can do, seeing blocks work and other stuff was very encouraging.


Anyway maken this mod is still learning java, figureing out problems is widening my outlook on the codes i just cant figure out slabs.

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Grand cause i try not to fall into flame wars xD


Sweet ill definetly look at them in the morning my head is melted atm lol Much apresiated for the link ^_^


BUT i still want help :3 (Im a very stubborn person but i do intend to learn java properly I just wanted to get slabs doors and fences sorted before i moved into other projects O.o)

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Grand cause i try not to fall into flame wars xD


Sweet ill definetly look at them in the morning my head is melted atm lol Much apresiated for the link ^_^


BUT i still want help :3 (Im a very stubborn person but i do intend to learn java properly I just wanted to get slabs doors and fences sorted before i moved into other projects O.o)



Pretty much.


uyjulian's website


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Intended too before i started.

Still want help.


Atleast for slabs then ill finish up my mod and post it.


No more "Go learn java" comments.


Ether Send a helpfull reply in slab department or just dont. Getting anoyed ill be looking into java tuts tomo.


extends BlockSlab


Also, get rid of the abstract.


uyjulian's website


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