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Forge 1.12 - The minimal use of an mod api


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i have only a little problem. I will use some Items and Blocks in my own mod. I will not write an mod for an mod. How can i simply use other mods items and blocks?


I will only check if the mod in the modpack is present and then use items and blocks.


Is there an easy installation guide out there. The old wiki links from forge are gone and in the new Docs i dont find any information about that.


Is it so simple that i only must define an respository in gradle.build?


I want to use some Blocks from the newest build of Forestry but only want an depencies on the minecraft version only (the block is in all 1.12 versions). But copy all .class from forestry_1.12- to the forge-dev-dir are crappy or?




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no i don't want a modpack, i want the possibility to use other blocks and items from other mods, that other guys use with my mod. I think i have forgot to say that i have written my own mod,or?


I search only a tip how i can 2 functions implement with the new forge 1.12 version.


1. Check if a mod is present at build-  and runtime in a modpack. When i build my mod no other mod are present and this will i simulate and i want that my mod functioned without the other mods.


2. When the check was true, i want make a condition and implement new functions in my own mod, but only when the other mod is present.


At the moment i can only use Vanilla-Mods at buildtime.


Actually i only want to use and interact with the Raincollector from Forestry in my mod as a simple Block.cauldron, as an example.


Interoperability with other mods are the next thing in my mod and need a little bit help how i can implement this in a Gradle-Forge-Enviroment.



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Cool i have set this in my build.gradle


            name 'Forestry Repo'
            url "http://maven.ic2.player.to/"


And after a setupDecompWorkspace i have the api in my build dir, wonderful. Now can dive deep in the forestry api, fuh:) very complex things there for an right click on an raincollector:).




Sorry was my own copy of forestry in the build folder oh ...

but he has definitivly download something after running ...

was this the right build.gradle options?

Edited by CyberPunkBln
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Yes thx a good Overview. Now i gradle load the forestry-api. Now i can look in the api, where i can get the block raincollector:).


Hmm i think about the fact, that i must code for every mod that brings an tank with, give it no forge special dictonary for tanks that hold water as an fluid? An tank dictonary?

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