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[Solved][1.12.1] Translating a model on the hud


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I am working on a mod that adds some overlays to the game, and for one of them I wanted to render an entity on the hud, but I'm having some problems positioning it where I want it.

I am using the RenderGameOverlayEvent.Post event to render it to the hud.

When I don't apply any translations it appears in the top left of the screen, which makes sense.

Since I want it to show up in the bottom left, I would assume I have to translate it by the height of the screen (I assumed was Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayHeight).

However this doesn't work, I have to divide it by 2 to get it to show up at the bottom. I am very confused by this behavior.

Then if I make the game fullscreen, the model disappears.


I assume there is some kind of scaling going on here, but I have no idea how to reliably calculate the amount I want to translate the model down by.


The translation I am currently using is:

GlStateManager.translate(25F, mc.displayHeight / 2F - 10, 50F);

which somehow works on the default window size.

The entire class can be found here:



Anyone know how I can render the model in the bottom left of the hud, independent of the window size?

Edited by wesserboy
Adding a [Solved] tag to the title

I made the Mob Particles mod, you can check it out here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2709242-172-forge-mob-particles/

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I have figured it out, it was indeed a scaling issue.

After looking at the event class I noticed it supplies you with a resolution.

I solved it by getting the scaled height form the event:



I made the Mob Particles mod, you can check it out here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2709242-172-forge-mob-particles/

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