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[1.12.1] Triggering a block update that updates an adjacent comparator


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I've overridden hasComparatorInputOverride and getComparatorInputOverride, and it seems to work fine--whenever I update the comparator (such as placing a block next to it) it gives the correct signal.

However, the tile entity changes its signal strength over time, and I need this to reflect on the comparator. I tried sending a block update, but it didn't do anything. My current code for triggering block updates is as follows:

IBlockState blockState = world.getBlockState(pos);
world.notifyBlockUpdate(pos, blockState, blockState, 7);
world.notifyNeighborsOfStateChange(pos, blockType, true);

I had originally thought that triggering a block update would update all adjacent tiles, but I realised that I was probably wrong, and so I tried updateObservingBlocks. That didn't work either, then I stumbled upon notifyNeighborsOfStateChange. It works for adjacent comparators, but not comparators that get the signal through a solid block. Do I have to run this notifyNeighborsOfStateChange on all adjacent blocks to get the comparator to update, or am I missing a convenience method that does all this for me?



EDIT: Wow, I feel dumb. World#updateComparatorOutputLevel does exactly what I need. Maybe this thread will help someone at some point at least >.>

Edited by Aarilight
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