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[1.12] "No Tooltip Defined" in config category tooltips


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I'm using configuration files for the first time, trying to add some small configuration options to my Totem Essentials mod for release 1.0.1. It seems pretty straightforward, and the configuration works (at least, the parts I've added so far). However, the tooltips are not working. All my category buttons show "No tooltip defined." in place of the actual tooltips, and I don't know why. Originally, I was simply using @Config.Comment("tooltip goes here") for my tooltips, but that didn't work. So I looked at FML's source for GuiConfigEntries and I saw it uses @Config.LangKey() with ".tooltip" appended as the first possible tooltip. So I tried to use that... and it still doesn't work.

Here's the config class:


package com.icemetalpunk.totemessentials.config;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import com.icemetalpunk.totemessentials.TotemEssentials;

import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Config;
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.ConfigManager;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.client.event.ConfigChangedEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;

@Config(modid = TotemEssentials.MODID)
public class TEConfig {
	public static HashMap<String, Boolean> recipeList = new HashMap<>();

	@Config.Name("Normal Durabilities")
	public static HashMap<String, Integer> durabilityOneList = new HashMap<>();

	@Config.Name("Ensouled Durabilities")
	public static HashMap<String, Integer> durabilityEnsouledList = new HashMap<>();

	static {
		recipeList.put("Aggression Totem", true);
		recipeList.put("Aiming Totem", true);
		recipeList.put("Curing Totem", true);
		recipeList.put("Daunting Totem", true);
		recipeList.put("Exchange Totem", true);
		recipeList.put("Featherfoot Totem", true);
		recipeList.put("Fireglaze Totem", true);
		recipeList.put("Flamebody Totem", true);
		recipeList.put("Gluttony Totem", true);
		recipeList.put("Phasing Totem", true);
		recipeList.put("Reaping Totem", true);
		recipeList.put("Replication Totem", true);
		recipeList.put("Storage Totem", true);
		recipeList.put("Traveling Totem", true);
		recipeList.put("Vampire Totem", true);
		recipeList.put("Wisdom Totem", true);

		durabilityOneList.put("Aggression Totem", 50);
		durabilityOneList.put("Aiming Totem", 100);
		durabilityOneList.put("Curing Totem", 10);
		durabilityOneList.put("Daunting Totem", 35);
		durabilityOneList.put("Exchange Totem", 25);
		durabilityOneList.put("Featherfoot Totem", 100);
		durabilityOneList.put("Fireglaze Totem", 2);
		durabilityOneList.put("Flamebody Totem", 100);
		durabilityOneList.put("Gluttony Totem", 100);
		durabilityOneList.put("Phasing Totem", 600);
		durabilityOneList.put("Reaping Totem", 8);
		durabilityOneList.put("Replication Totem", 50);
		durabilityOneList.put("Traveling Totem", 250);
		durabilityOneList.put("Vampire Totem", 40);
		durabilityOneList.put("Wisdom Totem", 750);

		durabilityEnsouledList.put("Ensouled Aggression Totem", 150);
		durabilityEnsouledList.put("Ensouled Aiming Totem", 200);
		durabilityEnsouledList.put("Ensouled Curing Totem", 30);
		durabilityEnsouledList.put("Ensouled Daunting Totem", 75);
		durabilityEnsouledList.put("Ensouled Exchange Totem", 50);
		durabilityEnsouledList.put("Ensouled Featherfoot Totem", 200);
		durabilityEnsouledList.put("Ensouled Fireglaze Totem", 60000);
		durabilityEnsouledList.put("Ensouled Flamebody Totem", 200);
		durabilityEnsouledList.put("Ensouled Gluttony Totem", 500);
		durabilityEnsouledList.put("Ensouled Phasing Totem", 1200);
		durabilityEnsouledList.put("Ensouled Reaping Totem", 40);
		durabilityEnsouledList.put("Ensouled Replication Totem", 75);
		durabilityEnsouledList.put("Ensouled Traveling Totem", 500);
		durabilityEnsouledList.put("Ensouled Undying Totem", 10);
		durabilityEnsouledList.put("Ensouled Vampire Totem", 40);
		durabilityEnsouledList.put("Ensouled Wisdom Totem", 1500);

	@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = TotemEssentials.MODID)
	private static class ConfigEventHandler {
		public static void onConfigChanged(final ConfigChangedEvent.OnConfigChangedEvent ev) {
			if (ev.getModID().equals(TotemEssentials.MODID)) {
				ConfigManager.sync(TotemEssentials.MODID, Config.Type.INSTANCE);

	public static void UpdateDurabilities() {
		String key = "";
		int val = 0;
		for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : durabilityOneList.entrySet()) {
			key = entry.getKey();
			val = entry.getValue();
			TotemEssentials.proxy.items.get(key.toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "_")).setMaxDamage(val);
		for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : durabilityEnsouledList.entrySet()) {
			key = entry.getKey();
			val = entry.getValue();
			TotemEssentials.proxy.items.get(key.toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "_")).setMaxDamage(val);


And here's the relevant additions to my en_us.lang file:

totemessentials.config.recipes.tooltip=Enable or disable Totem recipes
totemessentials.config.durabilityOne.tooltip=Edit the default durabilities of each Tier I totem.
totemessentials.config.durabilityTwo.tooltip=Edit the default durabilities of each Ensouled / Tier II totem

So why does it still say "No tooltip defined" instead of the actual tooltips?


*EDIT* In case it helps, here's the Github repo and branch where this code exists: https://github.com/IceMetalPunk/TotemEssentials/tree/configurable-recipes


(It's been updated a bit since this topic was posted, but ultimately, the tooltip problem persists.)

Edited by IceMetalPunk
Added Github repo link

Whatever Minecraft needs, it is most likely not yet another tool tier.

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I've added the Github repo / branch link where the code (now somewhat updated) exists into the main post. I'm still getting the "No tooltip defined" issue, regardless of whether I use @Config.Comment or @Config.LangKey for it.

Edited by IceMetalPunk

Whatever Minecraft needs, it is most likely not yet another tool tier.

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