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Posted (edited)

In my custom crop getSeed() and getCrop() return seed and crop values. quantityDropped() returns 4 if plant if grown up. So i noticed, if my plant is not grown up when i break it, it returns 1 seed ALWAYS, and 0 crops ALWAYS. But when is grown up it returns 4 crops because I return this value in quantityDropped(), but RANDOM seed amount, 0-4 or something. How can I change this amount to be 1-4?

Edited by LavX64

SOLVED as always, just by the time i ask forum about something it is starting to work.
I used this function to specify amount of drops. So there's only 1 Hemp seed always, and 1 additional + 4 fibers when it is fully grown.
Anyway anyone knows how to short this ugly Property checker? Cause I don't really understand how this values work.

	public void getDrops(NonNullList<ItemStack> drops, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state,
			int fortune) {
			drops.add(new ItemStack(ItemInit.HEMP_SEEDS));
		if (state.getProperties().toString().charAt(state.getProperties().toString().length() - 2) == '7') {
			drops.add(new ItemStack(ItemInit.HEMP_FIBER, 4));
			drops.add(new ItemStack(ItemInit.HEMP_SEEDS));


26 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

I don't even... what? What is that thing even trying to do?

Doesn't even matter, it's just this way I organize my mind by putting problem like that and deconstructing it, so forum helps me to realize how to fix the problem.

Just now, diesieben07 said:

I mean this:

You should not be doing this. What are you trying to achieve with it?

I do not control my ideas, it's just how it happens everytime, u can't do shit for 2 hours, go to forum, and boom u got the idea

Just now, diesieben07 said:

What idea? I quoted a specific piece of code, which you described as "ugly property checker" that you want to clean up. I want to help you clean up, but I have no idea what it's trying to achieve. Please describe which problem you were trying to solve by writing that code.

Oh, about that xD
Forget about it, I already wrote new code like 20 times already, I don't even remember what I was gonna do

1 minute ago, diesieben07 said:



Follow these rules when talking to me, and we'll get along fine.

1).I know Java fairly well. I don't know as much about modding. They are not the same, don't compare them.

2). I consider myself to always be learning. I make mistakes, you make mistakes. Who doesn't?

3). Insult me, and I will leave the thread. I have a real life, I don't have time to throw petty insults in a Minecraft Modding forum.


ModMCdl - Co-Founder and Director of Design for Artemis Game Studios

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