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[1.12.2] (Solved) Custom fluid is invisible

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I've tried to add my own liquid, but got some problems. It works fine, except one thing it is absolutely invisible. Also its bucket looks like empty bucket.

At the same time, for some unknown reasons it's correctly rendered in "Forestry" Bottler" machine(but not in its cans).

There aren't any errors in logs, and I'm sure that all path to its textures and blockstate json are correct.

I've already spent few day trying to solve it, but still haven't got any idea what is wrong and how it can be fixed.


Here are mod sources:

Fluid registration: https://github.com/NightKosh/Gravestone-mod-Extended/blob/master/src/main/java/nightkosh/gravestone_extended/ModGravestoneExtended.java#L58-L59

Block registration: https://github.com/NightKosh/Gravestone-mod-Extended/blob/master/src/main/java/nightkosh/gravestone_extended/core/GSBlock.java#L64-L65

Model registration: https://github.com/NightKosh/Gravestone-mod-Extended/blob/master/src/main/java/nightkosh/gravestone_extended/core/GSModels.java#L177-L181

 and https://github.com/NightKosh/Gravestone-mod-Extended/blob/master/src/main/java/nightkosh/gravestone_extended/core/proxy/ClientProxy.java#L122-L129

Fluid: https://github.com/NightKosh/Gravestone-mod-Extended/blob/master/src/main/java/nightkosh/gravestone_extended/fluid/FluidToxicWater.java

Fluid block: https://github.com/NightKosh/Gravestone-mod-Extended/blob/master/src/main/java/nightkosh/gravestone_extended/fluid/block/BlockFluidToxicWater.java

Blockstate json file : https://github.com/NightKosh/Gravestone-mod-Extended/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/gravestone-extended/blockstates/gs_toxic_water.json

Fluid textures: https://github.com/NightKosh/Gravestone-mod-Extended/tree/master/src/main/resources/assets/gravestone-extended/textures/blocks/fluids

Bucket texture: https://github.com/NightKosh/Gravestone-mod-Extended/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/gravestone-extended/textures/items/toxic_water_bucket.png

Edited by Kosh
change sources links

I've partially solved this problem - at the moment my fluid rendered, but with water texture. Its bucket still looks like empty bucket. May be someone have an idea what can be wrong with it?

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