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[1.12.2] Does the event exist when the bait is bitten by fishing in the water?


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I think you can wait a little.

All these internal stuff is likely related with mind-boggling collision checks, weird-named variables (like p_190621_1_ and stuff like that) all confuse you.

If I'm you I just simply gave up and forget about it.


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20 minutes ago, LeoCTH said:

I think you can wait a little.

All these internal stuff is likely related with mind-boggling collision checks, weird-named variables (like p_190621_1_ and stuff like that) all confuse you.

If I'm you I just simply gave up and forget about it.


Its not to its weirdly named, its just not in mcp mappings

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You need to use onPlayerTick along with some reflection. I did something similar for my mod https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/better-fishing

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What are you guys talking about? In 1.12,2 the code in EntityFishHook is easy to understand. There is no SRG name mapping missing.


There is a field called caughtEntity which you can check each tick to see for first tick it is not null and then that would be the moment it has hooked something and you can do you effect.  You can alternatively check if the EntityFishHook.getState() == State.HOOKED_IN_ENTITY.


So you can do all this by:

1) Creating a global map of entity fish hook instance UUIDs to boolean (to handle the case where there are several people fishing in the view.

2) Handle either player tick event or world tick event and look through the entity list for any instanceof EntityFishHook and if it is not in the map add it, and if it is in the map check if the boolean is false but caughtEntity != null in which case set the boolean to true and if on the client side also create the effect.

3) clean up the map by removing any entity fish hook UUIDs that are no longer in the world.

Edited by jabelar

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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