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Adding enchantments to tools


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I was wondering how i would go about giving a tool and enchantment without having to enchant it, ie when you craft it it comes with an enchantment, sort of like how you can make armour give a potion effect when worn in the armour slots?

some example code would be usefull or any constuctive help at all :)

Use examples, i have aspergers.

Examples make sense to me.

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I somewhere read that when creating a recipe you can pass it an enchanted item as a result and it should work.


EDIT: Yep, it works. Sample code:

        ItemStack hoe = new ItemStack(hoeJaffarrol);
        hoe.addEnchantment(Enchantment.fortune, 2);    // <<
        hoe.addEnchantment(Enchantment.unbreaking, 2); // <<
        GameRegistry.addRecipe(hoe, "JJL", "LS ", " S ", 'J', jaffarrol, 'S', Item.stick, 'L', limsew);

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I think it could be done via onUpdate (called every tick when in players inventory) or onBlockDestroyed (less cpu intensive, but not exactly thing you wanted).

mnn.getNativeLang() != English

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yea, using tick handler would be possible. you'd probably use the player tick on a server side, I recommend using scheduled tick handler (to not stress a server too much, checking every tick for every player seems a bit much, every 10 or 20 ticks should be fine).


brief howto of tickhandler: implement IScheduledTickHandler, ticks() should return player. on tickEnd you'll do the testing of a player for your tool and applying potion effect to the player. the TickType is well commented. when you have done tick handler you just register it in your load method (via TickRegistry.registerTickHandler) and you're done :).

mnn.getNativeLang() != English

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Idofindthat example code helps me the most becasue then i can be 100% sure that i amcorrect in it and i can refer to it later on if i have problems :) i have already got a method for adding potion effects to armours i will post itlater for you to scan over but i am wondering if it is a similar method with just tools instead of armours. On another note the way i have handled armours is so that if you are wearing helmet or plate or legs or boots you get potion slowness (for example) i was wondering if there was a way for me to have it so that it is when you are wearing helmet and plate and boots and legs.

thankyou :)

Use examples, i have aspergers.

Examples make sense to me.

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