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Custom furnace Output bug.


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Hey there.


I've followed a guide on making my own custom furnace style block with it's own recipe list, separate from the vanilla one.


The block works in that it will smelt the item. However, I have it returning an itemstack of size 2. If the output slot is empty, it will output 2 of the item. If it already has a number of these items in it, it will only output one.


The output slot is of slotFurnace type.


Below is an example of the code I'm using to define my recipes.


//List of recipies
private SmelterRecipes()
	addSmelting(ModBlocks.TitaniumOreBlock.blockID, new ItemStack(ModItems.TitaniumIngot, 2), 0.7F);
	addSmelting(Block.oreIron.blockID, new ItemStack(Item.ingotIron, 2), 0.7F);

* Adds a smelting recipe.
public void addSmelting(int id, ItemStack itemStack, float experience)
	smelterList.put(Integer.valueOf(id), itemStack);
	this.smelterExperience.put(Integer.valueOf(itemStack.itemID), Float.valueOf(experience));


Does anyone know where I'm going wrong? I think it may be a default function of the slotFurnace, however I'm not sure.


Thanks in advance to anyone who replies.

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Problem solved!


It was actually a problem with my tile entity, although I also made my custom slot for my furnace output as it caused some problems with XP.


Details are below in the comment.


public void smeltItem()
     if (this.canSmelt())
             ItemStack outputItem = SmelterRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(this.inventory[0].getItem().itemID);
         if (this.inventory[2] == null)
                 this.inventory[2] = outputItem.copy();
         else if (this.inventory[2].itemID == outputItem.itemID)
//This line was set to ++
//Obviously this caused it to increment by one, however the statement above copies, that's why it worked for the first stack
                 this.inventory[2].stackSize += outputItem.stackSize;
            if (this.inventory[0].stackSize == 0)
                 Item var2 = this.inventory[0].getItem().getContainerItem();
                 this.inventory[0] = var2 == null ? null : new ItemStack(var2);

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