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Core Mods and Player Accessing the Internet


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So I was making my mod and i had an idea to add another mod that can install other mods for you. I don't know if this is physically possible because i don't know how it would handle having a mod be put in the mods folder well minecraft is running. If this isn't possible i am pretty sure that if i have them downloaded in a seperate folder then when you restart minecraft if any mods are in there it will be transferred to the mods folder before the mods are loaded. Also i am pretty sure that i going to need a core mod because i will be changing the main gui to add another button but my problem is that i don't understand coremods at all; and i don't know how i could download something from a website i know adventurecraft does it but i can't really check to see how they do it.Thanks for reading this super long post.

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As long as the mods are put into the folder before FML and forge load it should work due to the mods only loading after FML and forge have loaded


I think this would need to be a jar mod in the minecraft Main() Method that first boots up minecraft when the jar is run.


for downloading the mod this could be extremly easily (Just downloading the zip/jar file from a website)


Here is the major problem you would have headaches with (Adfy.ly links) now the adfy.ly links can be bypassed straight to the download link but if you did that the mod authors would be extremely angry at you.

(I am not sure if this is classed as a modpack? and if the mod authors would allow it if its downloading and viewing the adfy.ly advert. for that answer you would have to ask them yourself)

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This is more of an api thing so if the mod author wants it they put a link in a website i make and if it is approved the mod will automatically be in the list of addons accessable to the players.


EDIT: so I think i have most of the stuff working but i am stuck on how to actually get the files to download but if i put a file in the downloaded mods folder it is transferred to the mods folder in startup

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