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Hello Everyone,

I have searched this topic everywhere in the forums but I cannot find it anywhere.



I am using the Technic Launcher v1.0.13

I am using a custom modpack running Minecraft 1.4.7

I am trying to install forge by copying the files and folders from the unzipped  download folder in to the minecraft.jar as in every tutorial I have seen



I am able to copy the files fine (I use 7zip), I delete the META-INF and save and close the file and all open prgorams


When I open up the Technic Launcher and run my custom pack, it opens up and freezes on a white screen.


This only happens with forge, so I can only assume that it is forge somehow causing the problem.



This is the client log for the run:


2013-03-09 21:08:35 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.4.7 loading

2013-03-09 21:08:35 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] All core mods are successfully located

2013-03-09 21:08:35 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Discovering coremods

2013-03-09 21:08:35 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Found library file argo-2.25.jar present and correct in lib dir

2013-03-09 21:08:35 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Found library file guava-12.0.1.jar present and correct in lib dir

2013-03-09 21:08:35 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Found library file asm-all-4.0.jar present and correct in lib dir

2013-03-09 21:08:35 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Found library file bcprov-jdk15on-147.jar present and correct in lib dir

2013-03-09 21:08:36 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Running coremod plugins

2013-03-09 21:08:36 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Running coremod plugin FMLCorePlugin

2013-03-09 21:08:36 [sEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] FML appears to be missing any signature data. This is not a good thing

2013-03-09 21:08:36 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Coremod plugin FMLCorePlugin run successfully

2013-03-09 21:08:36 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Running coremod plugin FMLForgePlugin

2013-03-09 21:08:36 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Coremod plugin FMLForgePlugin run successfully

2013-03-09 21:08:36 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Validating minecraft

2013-03-09 21:08:36 [FINEST] [ForgeModLoader] Minecraft validated, launching...

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.RuntimeException: cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ReflectionHelper$UnableToFindClassException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.Launcher

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelauncher.relaunchApplet(FMLRelauncher.java:269)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelauncher.appletEntry(FMLRelauncher.java:212)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftApplet.init(MinecraftApplet.java:25)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.MinecraftAppletEnglober.init(MinecraftAppletEnglober.java:110)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.gui.LauncherFrame.runGame(LauncherFrame.java:114)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.gui.LoginForm.runGame(LoginForm.java:900)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.gui.LoginForm$2$1.done(LoginForm.java:807)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at javax.swing.SwingWorker$5.run(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at javax.swing.SwingWorker$DoSubmitAccumulativeRunnable.run(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at sun.swing.AccumulativeRunnable.run(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at javax.swing.SwingWorker$DoSubmitAccumulativeRunnable.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at javax.swing.Timer.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at javax.swing.Timer$DoPostEvent.run(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.awt.EventQueue.access$200(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.security.ProtectionDomain$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] Caused by: cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ReflectionHelper$UnableToFindClassException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.Launcher

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ReflectionHelper.getClass(ReflectionHelper.java:159)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelauncher.relaunchApplet(FMLRelauncher.java:254)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] ... 26 more

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.Launcher

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at org.spoutcraft.launcher.MinecraftClassLoader.findClass(MinecraftClassLoader.java:64)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ReflectionHelper.getClass(ReflectionHelper.java:151)

2013-03-09 21:08:37 [iNFO] [sTDERR] ... 27 more



If anyone has further questions or answers, please reply to this post!






Problem with technic launcher, go look for them.

Thread locked.

Read the EAQ before posting! OR ELSE!


This isn't building better software, its trying to grab a place in the commit list of a highly visible github project.




Don't PM me, I don't check this account unless I have to.

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