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Achievements reseted on every launch since addition of mod-specific achievements

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Hi guys,


I've been recently working on adding achievements for my Millénaire mod (not released yet). They work fine, both display and triggering, but ever since I added them Minecraft reset all achievements (vanilla ones and mine) at every start of the game. I had heard that it's "normal" for achievements to be reseted whenever the jar is modified, but not at every launch. Any idea what I could be doing wrong? Here is my achievements class:


package org.millenaire.common.forge;

import org.millenaire.common.MLN;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.stats.Achievement;
import net.minecraftforge.common.AchievementPage;

public class MillAchievements extends Achievement {

final String key;

public MillAchievements(int par1, String par2Str, int par3, int par4,
		Block par5Block, Achievement par6Achievement) {
	super(par1, par2Str, par3, par4, par5Block, par6Achievement);

public MillAchievements(int par1, String par2Str, int par3, int par4, Item par5Item, Achievement par6Achievement)
	super(par1, par2Str, par3, par4, par5Item, par6Achievement);

public MillAchievements(int par1, String par2Str, int par3, int par4, ItemStack par5ItemStack, Achievement par6Achievement)
	super(par1, par2Str, par3, par4, par5ItemStack, par6Achievement);

public String getDescription() {
	return MLN.string("achievement."+key+".desc");

public String getName() {
	return MLN.string("achievement."+key+".name");

public static final Achievement firstContact = new MillAchievements(7470, "firstcontact", 0, 0, Mill.parchmentVillagers, 

public static final Achievement cresus = new MillAchievements(7471, "cresus", 2, -1, Mill.denier_or, 

public static final Achievement summoningwand = new MillAchievements(7472, "summoningwand", 5, 0, Mill.summoningWand, 

public static final Achievement villageleader = new MillAchievements(7473, "villageleader", 4, 2, Mill.normanHelmet, 

public static final Achievement thequest = new MillAchievements(7474, "thequest", 0, -4, Block.torchWood, 

public static final Achievement maitreapenser = new MillAchievements(7475, "maitreapenser", 2, -5, Item.writableBook, 

public static final Achievement forbiddenknwoledge = new MillAchievements(7476, "forbiddenknwoledge", 2, -7, Mill.parchmentSadhu, 

public static final Achievement puja = new MillAchievements(7477, "puja", -1, -6, Mill.indianstatue, 

public static final Achievement explorer = new MillAchievements(7478, "explorer", -3, 1, Item.bootsLeather, 

public static final Achievement marcopolo = new MillAchievements(7479, "marcopolo", -4, 3, Item.map, 

public static final Achievement magellan = new MillAchievements(7480, "magellan", -6, 5, Item.compass, 

public static final Achievement selfdefense = new MillAchievements(7481, "selfdefense", -5, 2, Mill.byzantinePlate, 

public static final Achievement pantheon = new MillAchievements(7482, "pantheon", -4, -5, Item.sign, 

public static final Achievement darkside = new MillAchievements(7483, "darkside", 0, 3, Item.swordStone, 

public static final Achievement scipio = new MillAchievements(7484, "scipio", -1, 6, Item.swordSteel, 

public static final Achievement attila = new MillAchievements(7485, "attila", 2, 9, Mill.normanBroadsword, 

public static final Achievement cheers = new MillAchievements(7486, "cheers", 2, 2, Mill.calva, 

public static final Achievement hired = new MillAchievements(7487, "hired", -1, -2, Mill.normanAxe, 

public static final Achievement masterfarmer = new MillAchievements(7488, "masterfarmer", 3, -3, Mill.grapes, 

//player.addStat(MillAchievements.thequest, 1);

public static MillAchievementPage millAchievements = new MillAchievementPage("", firstContact,cresus,summoningwand,villageleader,

public static class MillAchievementPage extends AchievementPage {

	public MillAchievementPage(String name, Achievement... achievements) {
		super(name, achievements);

	public String getName()
        return MLN.string("achievementpage.name");




I override both the Achievement and the AchievementPage classes but only to handle my own localisation system. Other than this code, I have this in my mod's load method:




And triggers for achievements like this one at the appropriate places:


player.addStat(MillAchievements.darkside, 1);


Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong would be great. I can't release the feature as long as it causes this issue...






I had this problem, too. You have to register your Achievements and your Achievement Page in your @PreInit method, not in your @Init or @PostInit Method.

Don't ask for support per PM! They'll get ignored! | If a post helped you, click the "Thank You" button at the top right corner of said post! |

mah twitter

This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.


That worked, thanks!


It also required me to move my item instancing to preInit (due to the icons). I assume that's not an issue? Didn't seem to cause any troubles in my quick testing.


Well, I do this too, so there shouldn't be any problem.

Don't ask for support per PM! They'll get ignored! | If a post helped you, click the "Thank You" button at the top right corner of said post! |

mah twitter

This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.

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