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Slow Chunks Loading


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Hello everyone.
I'm creating a mod, which with a slider should reduce the speed with which the chunks are loaded, if the slider is 100% the world will load normally, but if it is 50% charged at half the speed, and if it is 0% load much slower, I have no idea if it can be done, I am working on forge 1.8.9.
From already thank you very much.
Sorry for my bad english.

Edited by PixelKingJ23
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And what exactly do you mean by "load slowly"? You mean that the overall loading process slows down so that the individual blocks are placed more slowly, or do you mean that the decision to load an entire chunk is delayed?


In either case I think it would be quite difficult/advanced. The whole concept of chunk loading is an optimized part of game. Also, a chunk is considered either loaded or unloaded -- I don't think there is a "partially loaded" state (although I'm not an expert in this).

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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That doesn't really help because the total performance needed is the same -- everything you want to be rendered needs to be rendered. If you have a PC with bad graphics performance you should just make the render distance smaller so you can't see as far. You can do that in the video options in the settings.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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Okay, so most personal computers have two types of processing going on -- the CPU which does logic and the GPU which does the graphics. These run "in parallel" and have their own loops that run at their own rates. For Minecraft the CPU is looping through the game logic at 20 FPS, and the GPU is looping through the rendering at whatever refresh rate your display is probably 60 FPS.


If your computer is having trouble with lagging during single player (integrated server) mode, it can be either the CPU or GPU (or both) that is having performance issues. 


The GPU will have trouble if the scene is "complex". That is partly related to how many blocks are visible (due to render distance), but also to things like the resolution and color depth of the display mode, whether the blocks are transparent, whether the textures are animated, what quality the edges have (like anti-aliasing). So if you're having graphics performance issues I would firstly reduce the resolution, color and quality settings for your graphics (like go to your graphics or display options on your computer), secondly I would reduce the render distance in the Minecraft video settings.  After that, there isn't much you can do except get a new graphics card or computer (if you have integrated graphics like in a laptop).


The CPU will also have trouble if the scene is complex, but in this case complexity is related to the amount of things it has to do. For example, if the blocks are all simple and don't have random ticks (like leaves), scheduled ticks (like redstone), or tickable (like tile entities), then it would be simple logic. But if you've loaded up on redstone and command blocks or use a mod with complex systems such as energy distribution it will be complex. I don't think there is much you can do if you're having performance issues with your CPU, except get a better computer. However, if you have lots of other mods installed you should check to see if removing them helps -- it is very easy for a mod to cause performance problems if it does a lot of additional work every tick.


But the important thing to understand is that for the game to run it needs to do the logic and needs to keep the display refreshed. So you can't just generally "slow" it down because you would still experience that as lag. In fact, lag is what happens when it slows down. So slowing it down more wouldn't help you.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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First of all, thank you very much for taking so much trouble in this, I understand all that, but once using a client ("Zonix Client") had the option to lower the loading speed of chunks, and took longer to load but increased performance , if I'm not wrong OptiFine has a similar option, but I need to put it in a mod

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Well, I'm sure there are ways of sort of spacing out chunk loading and such, but it would be very advanced modding technique. Optifine is extremely advanced and does a lot of low-level performance tweaks. 


I think you're probably talking about the chunk pre-loading thing. But even that is a bit of a trade-off. You can get smoother play but at the expense of occasionally extreme lag. In the end you need the same number of chunks loaded and it is just a matter of how the loading is spaced out. You can either have a bunch of smaller lags or occasional bigger lag. But the average overall load on the CPU will be about the same.


In other words, you can make the lag possibly smoother, but can't really get rid of the overall lag (unless you do other things I mentioned).


Also note that Optifine also provides a lot of other tweaks in the areas I already mentioned and similar like reducing render distance, enabling advanced OpenGL features, looking at things like fog, turning of the sky, clouds, and so on.


It is a lot of coding work to do this sort of stuff, and you need to know what you're doing. Honestly, I would suggest just getting a better computer, or if you're using a desktop then get a better GPU card. They get so much better each year that even a $150 spent every couple years will great improve your graphics.

Edited by jabelar

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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