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Fatally missing registry entries


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Hello Forge Team!


I have recently upgraded my self-made mod from MC 1.11.2 to 1.12.2. 

Since then all forge clients that try to connect to the modded server get this error message "Fatally missing registry entries".

However, plain vanilla clients have no problems to connect.


I know this has to do with entity IDs missing on the client side.

The reason is, that the clients haven't installed by mod at all, which should be find, since it is supposed to be a "server-side only" mod.


My question is now: can I somehow get rid of this error message, so that forge clients can log into the server, like the vanilla clients already can?

Is there, for example, a way to skip this test on the client, or some setting, that prevents the sending of the mod-specific entity IDs from the server to client? 


My setup is the following:

1) I have Forge 1.12.2- on the server

2) I have Wizards of Lua Mod (that's my mod, version is some alpha for MC 1.12.2, not yet released because of this issue) on the server

3) The client has Forge 1.12.2- installed

4) No other mod are installed on the client.


Please note that the respective entity I have on the server does not need to by synced to the client. It is really server-only.

And well, it worked in MC 1.11.2, just not in MC 1.12.2.


Thank you very much for any feedback.





EDIT: Don't mind, you can ignore this post. I just found the modder support forum. Please note that the link to the Modder Support Forum at page: 

is broken.




Edited by mickkay
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