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Light Speed Boots


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how would i go about making the ground beneath the player set on fire randomly when the player is wearing My LightSpeedBoots?

i tired some ideas in the servertickmethod but to no avail i also looked at living entity updates, i assume it is some sort of combination of the two.

Use examples, i have aspergers.

Examples make sense to me.

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i would prefer to do in on the servertick please and i dont know how to do that.

if(player.getCurrentItemOrArmor(1) != null){
		ItemStack boots = player.getCurrentItemOrArmor(1);
		if(boots.getItem() == ashtonsmod.LSBoots){


i think this i correct i just need to find out how to complete the player.

Use examples, i have aspergers.

Examples make sense to me.

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something like this?

                  public void onEntityDrop(LivingUpdateEvent event) {
                               rand = Math.random();
                                if (event.entityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer) {
                                     //The integer at the end relates to how many Items will be dropped(percentage). 
                                     if (rand < 0.0001d){
                                        //The integer at the end relates to how many Items will be dropped(amount). 
                                        event.entityLiving.dropItem(ashtonsmod.FireSticks.shiftedIndex, 1);



but this drops items not sets fire to things and i havtn even tried to see if EntityPlayer is a thing

Use examples, i have aspergers.

Examples make sense to me.

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i cant seem to get the code quite right :(

ive never been able to get onArmourTick to work for some reason, i can make it have no errors but it doesnt work which is why i used servertickmethod instead

Use examples, i have aspergers.

Examples make sense to me.

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The servertick would also be "every tick". You need to have maybe a random factor or a tick counter so it only happens every so often.

Don't use a tickhandler for this.

isnt there something to schedule an event on a tick?

Also, I should have you know that you are reading my signature.

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