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[1.12] [Solved] Changing capability instance values / maybe a syncing issue

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Posted (edited)

I want to add 1 to the value in a capability on an item of mine, but it isn't working.


I have a MarbleBlock and when you throw a piece of Obsidian and a GigasCedarBranch on it and right-click the block with an empty hand, It adds one to the counter in the capability. every twenty progress points (20 clicks or progress % 20 == 0) I want it to destroy the obsidian, and if its 60 (and above, just to be safe), I want to destroy the GigasCedarBranch and give me a different item (ModItems.BLACK_ONE)


public boolean onBlockActivated(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumHand hand, EnumFacing facing, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) {
	AxisAlignedBB above = new AxisAlignedBB(pos.up());
	boolean hasBranch = false;
	boolean hasObsidian = false;
	EntityItem branch = null;
	EntityItem obsidian = null;
	List<EntityItem> entities = worldIn.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityItem.class, above);
	for(EntityItem ei : entities) {
		if (ei.getItem().getItem().equals(ModItems.GIGAS_CEDAR_BRANCH)) {
			hasBranch = true;
			branch = ei;
		if (ei.getItem().getItem().equals(Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.OBSIDIAN))) {
			hasObsidian = true;
			obsidian = ei;
	if (!hasBranch) {
		playerIn.sendMessage(new TextComponentString("Missing Gigas Cedar Branch!"));
	if (!hasObsidian) {
		playerIn.sendMessage(new TextComponentString("Missing Obsidian!"));
	if (hasBranch && hasObsidian) {
		Sharpenedness capability = branch.getItem().getCapability(SharpenednessProvider.SHARPENED, null);
		if (playerIn.inventory.getCurrentItem().isEmpty() && hasBranch && hasObsidian) {
		if (capability.getProgress() % 20 == 0 && capability.getProgress() != 0) {
		if(capability.getProgress() >= 60) {
			playerIn.addItemStackToInventory(new ItemStack(ModItems.BLACK_ONE));
	return false;




On second thought, this may be a server/client syncing issue, because it will eat the obsidian but the progress on the tooltip on the branch doesn't update and the item will never turn into the other. I have no idea how to do anything with client and server stuff, so if it is the problem, I'm going to need a lot of help.

Edited by TheGoldenProof

Is your capability provider an instance of ICapabilitySerializable? When the ItemStack of the EntityItem is added to the player's inventory it's cloned and capabilities are cloned by serializing them in the old stack and deserializing them in the new stack. If your capability provider isn't an instance of INBTSerializable(which ICapabilitySerializable extends) then the capability data will be lost.


13 minutes ago, TheGoldenProof said:

On second thought, this may be a server/client syncing issue, because it will eat the obsidian but the progress on the tooltip on the branch doesn't update and the item will never turn into the other.

Capabilities by default are never synced between client and the server but both may have the capability attached. You need to sync the capability yourself. Either use packets or in case of an ItemStack where the item of that stack is an item provided by your mod you can override Item#getNBTShareTag to save the capability into NBT that gets sent to the client and override Item#readNBTShareTag to deserialize the capability from the NBT you've received from the server. If you are not the owner of the Item's class then you have to use packets.

Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, V0idWa1k3r said:

Is your capability provider an instance of ICapabilitySerializable?

The capability provider is an instance of ICapabilitySerializable


public class SharpenednessProvider implements ICapabilitySerializable<NBTBase> {
	@CapabilityInject(value = Sharpenedness.class)
	public static final Capability<Sharpenedness> SHARPENED = null;
	private Sharpenedness instance = SHARPENED.getDefaultInstance();
	public boolean hasCapability(Capability<?> capability, EnumFacing facing) {
		return (capability == SHARPENED);

	public <T> T getCapability(Capability<T> capability, EnumFacing facing) {
		return capability == SHARPENED ? SHARPENED.<T> cast(instance) : null;

	public void deserializeNBT(NBTBase nbt) {
		SHARPENED.getStorage().readNBT(SHARPENED, instance, null, nbt);

	public NBTBase serializeNBT() {
		return SHARPENED.getStorage().writeNBT(SHARPENED, instance, null);



So does this mean I'll have to do networking?


11 minutes ago, V0idWa1k3r said:

in case of an ItemStack where the item of that stack is an item provided by your mod you can override Item#getNBTShareTag to save the capability into NBT that gets sent to the client and override Item#readNBTShareTag to deserialize the capability from the NBT you've received from the server.

I feel like what you're trying to say here is an easier method than using packets but I don't understand what you're saying. All the items are from my mod except the obsidian, and when you say sent and recieved how do you send and recieve?

Edited by TheGoldenProof
4 minutes ago, TheGoldenProof said:

I feel like what you're trying to say here is easier than using packets but I don't understand what you're saying.

What did you not understand? You need to override two methods in your Item class, the Item#getNBTShareTag and Item#readNBTShareTag. In Item#getNBTShareTag you need to serialize your capability to an NBT tag and append that tag to the one provided by the method. In Item#readNBTShareTag you will get the NBT the client received, grab your capability's NBT that you've appended to it and read the capability from it.


6 minutes ago, TheGoldenProof said:

when you say sent and recieved how do you send and recieve?

If you are using the share tag approach the game will do everything for you. You only need to (de)serialize the data in the methods I've told you about.

Posted (edited)

Sometimes I just have to type out my questions in order for my brain to figure everything out and make the connections. I think I have it figured out now, but this is what I was going to ask:

29 minutes ago, V0idWa1k3r said:

serialize your capability to an NBT tag and append that tag to the one provided by the method. In Item#readNBTShareTag you will get the NBT the client received, grab your capability's NBT that you've appended to it and read the capability from it.


this is the part I don't under stand.

I'm a new modder and so I don't quite have the full understanding of the way minecraft works yet, so what you're saying can be a little overwhelming.


What do you mean by serialize your capability? and how do I do that to an NBT tag? Or is there a serialize method somewhere that turns it straight into an NBT tag? Append that tag to the one provided by which method? How do I get what I appended to the NBT? And then how do I read the capability from it? do I use the methods from my capability provider? (that is where I made the connections and figured it out)


So now I have in my GigasCedarBranch class:


public void readNBTShareTag(ItemStack stack, NBTTagCompound nbt) {

public NBTTagCompound getNBTShareTag(ItemStack stack) {
	return stack.serializeNBT();


is this right? my serialize and deserialize are in the spoiler here


I'm realizing this isn't going to work. this is my capability storage class's readNBT and writeNBT and I'm pretty sure that I didn't finish whatever I was doing and I'm not sure where I got this from.



public NBTBase writeNBT(Capability<Sharpenedness> capability, Sharpenedness instance, EnumFacing side) {
	return new NBTTagInt(instance.getProgress());

public void readNBT(Capability<Sharpenedness> capability, Sharpenedness instance, EnumFacing side, NBTBase nbt) {



Edited by TheGoldenProof
15 minutes ago, TheGoldenProof said:

What do you mean by serialize your capability?



16 minutes ago, TheGoldenProof said:

and how do I do that to an NBT tag?

Similar to how the game does that with any other object properties - create the tag and write all fields that you want serialized into the tag. Is the field a primitive? Write it as one using one of the methods provided by NBTTagCompound. Is it an object? Create a new NBTTagCompound, do this procedure for that object. With enough depth anything can be broken down into primitives that can be serialized.


17 minutes ago, TheGoldenProof said:

Or is there a serialize method somewhere that turns it straight into an NBT tag?

Well your IStorage implementation should provide one. You are the one creating the implementation though.


18 minutes ago, TheGoldenProof said:

append that tag to the one provided by which method?

38 minutes ago, V0idWa1k3r said:

In Item#getNBTShareTag you need to serialize your capability to an NBT tag and append that tag to the one provided by the method.


18 minutes ago, TheGoldenProof said:

How do I get what I appended to the NBT?

The same way you would get anything else from an NBT - with the corresponding get method(NBTTagCompound#getCompoundTag for example).


19 minutes ago, TheGoldenProof said:

And then how do I read the capability from it?

Well, you will have all the data that your capability holds in that tag. Just read the data from the tag and set the fields in your capability to that data. That's called deserialization.


21 minutes ago, TheGoldenProof said:

do I use the methods from my capability provider?

You may use those methods, sure. It doesn't really matter which methods you use.


21 minutes ago, TheGoldenProof said:

is this right?

No. Don't send the entire stack. Use whatever the base implementation is + your capability data. 


22 minutes ago, TheGoldenProof said:

this is my capability storage class's readNBT and writeNBT and I'm pretty sure that I didn't finish whatever I was doing and I'm not sure where I got this from.

Well, finish creating the implementation for those methods. You need to write just enough data to be able to reconstruct your capability in the read method.


If you are having issues with the concept of NBT and (de)serializing it you may want to try something else, like TIleEntities for example to get the idea on how it works. 

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