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Finding specific skulls


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I'm trying to collect a list of all skulls with a certain skin. The problem is that the TileEntitySkull#getPlayerProfile() UUID is randomised every time and so is the display name. All it seems I have to go by is by somehow getting the skin itself as an image and comparing it pixel-by-pixel with another. Is there a way to do this?

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I mean it's a skull which has been placed on a server and appears to be doing something magical with it not actually being owned by a real player. I'm trying to get something to identify it by, so I can find all others with the same skin.

Edited by AntiRix
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Doesn't appear to be the case here. There's some NBT data I can use from the skull to identify it, but I'm having trouble getting that string out.


skull.serializeNBT().getCompoundTag("Owner").getCompoundTag("Properties").toString() returns {textures:[...]}


However when then calling .getCompoundTag("textures").toString()on the properties tag, it returns {}. There doesn't appear to be a method related to arrays of NBT tags.


One example of the nonexistent UUIDs is 7b549249-f265-2edc-a205-1c592c6ddc1b.

Edited by AntiRix
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