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Smelting Recipe Code Not Working!


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public void smeltingRecipes(){

GameRegistry.addSmelting(ParallelWorlds.NightOre.blockID, new ItemStack(NightGem, 1), 1F);



that looks like a modloader method.


call GameRegistry.addSmelting(ParallelWorlds.NightOre.blockID, new ItemStack(NightGem, 1), 1F); directly in your load method

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Your pastebin doesn't seem to be working, but my possible solution is what the guy said, put in it your load statement, or init.



public void load(FMLInitializationEvent event)


      GameRegistry.addSmelting(ParallelWorlds.NightOre.blockID, new ItemStack(NightGem), 1.0F);



Are you sure you are using your "NightOre", are you sure you have registered everything correctly.


Please repost your mod file on PASTEBIN, your old one is deleted -ish.



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