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Hey everyone, my name is Alex Perez(onance) and I am a freelance developer from all walks of the developer life, whether it be Front end, full stack, or mobile development. Recently I've been on this hype to build small scale, easily up-kept projects to add to my portfolio but more importantly to generate some passive side income. I've got a few mobile apps on the play store, a couple of active websites and a couple other odd jobs. Recently, I started playing Minecraft Vanilla again after a 3 year hiatus and I remember how crazy the mod world was back in the day so I'm wondering what the Modding community is like now? Are mods getting thousands of downloads a day? Is there a strong Modded-Minecraft Youtuber community and what are the best platforms for uploading these mods and plugins? The point is I want to add a handful of Minecraft mods into my regime so any advice from the modding community would be immensely helpful. Again I appreciate any input and am so open for discussion and advice. Keep up the coding hustle -- it's the year of the piggy bank!


You might want to join the Forge or MMD (MinecraftModDevelopment) Discords https://discord.mcmoddev.com/

About Me


My Discord - Cadiboo#8887

My WebsiteCadiboo.github.io

My ModsCadiboo.github.io/projects

My TutorialsCadiboo.github.io/tutorials

Versions below 1.14.4 are no longer supported on this forum. Use the latest version to receive support.

When asking support remember to include all relevant log files (logs are found in .minecraft/logs/), code if applicable and screenshots if possible.

Only download mods from trusted sites like CurseForge (minecraft.curseforge.com). A list of bad sites can be found here, with more information available at stopmodreposts.org

Edit your own signature at www.minecraftforge.net/forum/settings/signature/ (Make sure to check its compatibility with the Dark Theme)

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