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[1.12.2] Client Side Entity variable not changing with Packet


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I am working with Packets to assign a value to an Entity's Client Side version to pass animation information to its Model class. This particular value tells the client side entity that the mob has a current target (aggro). Most all of the code I have checked seems to run/fire correctly but the key value I need assigned/changed doesn't change on the client side entity.


With this set up, when I run print statements I see the Server side Entity will say true for isAggroed but false for Client side.


Here is what I have right now:

Entity Class (EntityImmortalArcanine):

	public boolean isAggroed = false;


	public void onUpdate()


			System.out.println( "Server isAggroed " + isAggroed );
			System.out.println( "Client isAggroed " + isAggroed );

	public void checkAggro()
		if(this.getAttackTarget() != null)
				this.isAggroed = true;
				KindredLegacyMain.sendMobAggroPacket(this, true);
				this.isAggroed = false;
				KindredLegacyMain.sendMobAggroPacket(this, false);

	public void setAggro(boolean isAggroed)
		this.isAggroed = isAggroed;


Main Mod Class (KindredLegacyMain):

	public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event)
		network = NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.newSimpleChannel(ModInfo.CHANNEL);
		int packetID = 0;
		network.registerMessage(PacketAnimation.Handler.class, PacketAnimation.class, packetID, Side.CLIENT);
		network.registerMessage(PacketMobTargeting.Handler.class, PacketMobTargeting.class, packetID, Side.CLIENT);



	public static boolean isEffectiveClient() 
		return FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide().isClient();

	public static void sendMobAggroPacket(IAdvAnimatedEntity entity, boolean isAggroed) 

		network.sendToAll(new PacketMobTargeting((boolean)isAggroed, ((Entity)entity).getEntityId()));


Packet Class (PacketMobTargeting):

public class PacketMobTargeting implements IMessage 
	private boolean isTargeting;
	private int entityID;

	public PacketMobTargeting() {}

	public PacketMobTargeting(boolean isTargetingBoolean, int entity) 
		isTargeting = isTargetingBoolean;
		entityID = entity;

	public void toBytes(ByteBuf buffer) 

	public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buffer) 
		isTargeting = buffer.readBoolean();
		entityID = buffer.readInt();

	public static class Handler implements IMessageHandler<PacketMobTargeting, IMessage> 
		public IMessage onMessage(PacketMobTargeting packet, MessageContext ctx) 
			World world = KindredLegacyMain.proxy.getWorldClient();
			IAdvAnimatedEntity entity = (IAdvAnimatedEntity)world.getEntityByID(packet.entityID);

			if(entity != null) 

			return null;


Associated Interface (IAdvAnimatedEntity):

public interface IAdvAnimatedEntity 
	void setAggro(boolean isAggro);
	float getAggroValue();


This set up is almost identical to an action animation set up I have and that does work correctly.

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Ah, I did not know EntityDataManager applied to both Client and Server. It works beautifully now, thanks!


I may look to see if that can affect my action animation code as that logic was originally written before EntityDataManager was an established thing.


Thank you for that little bit about Packets as that helped me better realize what those various functions on SimpleNetworkWrapper are intended to do.

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