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public boolean onBlockActivated(World par1World, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int par6, float par7, float par8, float par9)
    	tentity.switchActivated(); //tentity is my tileentity. The method will switch a boolean to false or true
    	player.addChatMessage("[" + tentity.getActivated() + "]");
        return true;


When I test this code in game and right click my block, it returns




For some reason it's being ran twice. Anyone know a work around?



Figure it out. Had to put my code inside an if statement like this

if (par1World.isRemote)
            return true;
            //Code goes here


Bumper Cars!


Would anybody mind elaborating a little on why that works? I'm not sure why it would even be necessary, tbh. As of right now I have zero experience with server modding.


It's being run on both the server and the client...


if (par1World.isRemote)
            return true;
            //Code goes here

is checking if it is on the client, and if it is, return true. If it isn't, it is actually doing stuff...


Because of the unified code that forge has implemented (Which IMHO is a very good thing). If you just used ModLoader you would have to maintain to separate code-bases, but wouldn't run into this issue.

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