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Ok, so basically I´ve made my own mod. Its called MagicCola and its coded in eclipse. I am using ModLoader(srry forge) Because it´s just a basic mod. But the problem is i have been trying to change the texture but i doesn't seem to work. I made the block or ore in photoShop and i basically just copy pasted the coal ore and changed it a little. But when i go into eclipse an type in for example: /AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/texturepacks/sphax PureBDCraft/MagicCola/Cokoore.png then there are two possible scenarios either it doesn't find the picture or when i load up minecraft and go and find mu ore the its just a block saying UPDATE TP. So please i have been struggling whit this in more than 5 days now could someone possibly help me?


I'm sorry but I'm not familiar with the methods of ModLoader.

But then again this is a forum to help people solve problems with their modding with the Forge API, so I guess that's not unexpected :P

You could of course go to the ModLoader's thread and ask for help, or try out modding with forge.


However I can say that generally the mods inn eclipse reffere to files within the MCP folder, so you might really be asking for "MCP_Directory/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/texturepacks/sphax PureBDCraft/MagicCola/Cokoore.png" By entering that location as a string to the load method.

I assume that you should have your images somewhere inside the MCP folder, probably inside MCP/src/Minecraft.


If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


Yeah i know thats its kind of f up to ask at forge forums but hey! Yes i have images in my mod folder or src folder which is /MCP/jars/Minecraft.jar/MagiCola/Cokore.png and when i type in /MagicCola/Cokoore.png it loads minecraft with no errors but i want to be able to use it with sphax but i dont know how to add it into the sphax folder nor to code it rigth :P so if you could possibly rigth down some code lines that should work that would be great tnx


Maybe I'm just old but what is Sphax, by the way you speak of it, it sounds like an API or something other code related but as far as I can tell by the top links on google it's a texture pack? So then I'm not sure what you want to do :P


If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

:P ok so yes Sphax is a texture pack and what i want to do is to add my blocks and items in to the sphax folder so that when i change from default to Sphax PureBDCraft the Cokoore block will also change so that i will be able to place it with an block image instead og an block that says UPDATE TP on it. But i dont know how to add it properly into sphax neither do I know where i am suposed to but the sphax folder after I have placed my mod files in there. And I Dont know what the code will be after i have put the Sphax folder with my mod into the rigth folder inside of MCP

if Spahx is just a texture pack then YOU as the CODER/MODDER of a mod does not need to do anything special for the texture pack to work. Just do everything as normal and don't think of the texture pack.. you don't need to do anything fancy for it to work.


If someone wants to create or use a texture pack for your mod's blocks & items they should be able to do so without you having to do some crazy stuff for it to work, so no worries :)


If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


But but if i want to be able to make the block for example look like the coal block from sphax just a little bit different and i make my own version of the coal block then when i launch minecraft select texture pack sphax pure bd craft then it says on the coko ore block UPDATE TP how to fix it? I need a patch but i dont know how to make that patch nor do i know how "to put" the mod folder into the sphax folder correctly


Okay a few things just to clarify:


[*]Don't PM me for answers when I'm actively replying to your thread, I'm replying here when I can and when I got something to say. It's not like I'm forgetting this forum and thread existence over a few minutes..

[*]It's hard to understand what exactly you are saying, the complete lack of commas and periods make it hard just to follow which sentence start where and ends where.

[*]You are asking about code help for a problem which you have using some coding API I'm not familiar with at all, and which this forum ain't exactly aimed at supporting either.

[*]The problem seems to be less about code and more about adding a texture pack to your Minecraft client which has your mod?

[*]Whatever the block is made to look like, doesn't matter for the texture pack at least. even if it's the same image it shouldn't matter or change anything and much less make it bug out.

[*]Are you using the latest version of the Texture Pack then, since it says Update TP?

[*]Have you tried asking on the ModLoader related threads and forums for help?

[*]And how big is this mod of your's really? :P


If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


1. I am srry for bad english writing and language(I am norwegian)

2. Yes i use the latest version of the texture pack but i haven't patched it yet (its HD)

3. What I need help with isn't that much about coding but its a little bit about coding in there. Because I need help with understanding how to add mods to a texturepack kind of. Because if you launch minecraft with a mod installed but you haven´t install the mod patch to your texture then the block will look like default minecraft. So i need help with adding the mod/how to make a patch and then add it into the texturepack folder. Then I need help with what i should write in the code section for example should i write "/terrain.png", "/MCP_Directory/jars/texturepacks/Sphax PureBDCraft/MagicCola/Cokoore.png" or if I am supposed to write /appdata/Roaming/.minecraft/texturepacks/SPhax purebdcraft/MagicCola/Cokoore.png

4. The mod isn´t that big it just adds 5 new blocks and 6 new items.



1. So am I, and my grammar sucks. But come'on even in Stavanger they have periods at the end of a sentence. At the very least inn a running text so the reader knows what word belongs where ;) It's much better now inn your latest post, ty.

Oh and btw, since it's 23:30 why are you inn such a hurry? it's holidays now chill <3


1.b) Norwegian reply here in addition too the english one below.


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3. This sounds a lot more like you misunderstanding something on how to get this to work, at least it sounds quite weird to me that you would need to write a code snippit for the texture packs to work O.o

I think you should go ask the guys over here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum/196-modded-client-support/ They are a lot better equipped knowledge wise to help you out with your problems.



If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...


how a texture pack works :


1 ; you code your mod, and add textures to your mod as described by any modloader tutorials.

2 ; your code works fine after following a tutorial on modloader 'how to add textures to items and blocks in 1.5.1"

3 ; you publish your mod.

4 ; you or anybody else makes sphax textures. people download the patch,and put it in the sphax texture pack folder.

5 ; the texture pack / mod will comunicate due of 1.5 and the mod will take pictures from the patch.

6; optifine and mcpatcher take care of the high resolution.


voila, done.


all you had to do is make the mod work :)


Sant nok(punktum). :P Ja jeg skjønner skal se om jeg for noen andre svar på forum linken du sendte meg så takk for det. Tenkte at jeg kunne spurt her for egentlig så er ikke "codingen" så veldig annerledes fra forge og mitt problem gikk mer på hvordan man la inn sin egen mod til en texture pack. Men takk for all hjelp så skal jeg se om jeg for noen andre svar som kan hjelpe meg på forumen du sendte meg! Hilsen BarneyStinson :P


SenpaiSubaraki, So basically I just put my mod folder with all the blocks.png and items.png together with the sprites.png into the texture pack. Then I download mcpatcher and patch the texture pack, then I download Optifine. And then everything should work?

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