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I have created a new EntityLiving that is basically an NPC and when I click on it, it talks. The texture works, the animations I don't know (It has no movement), the right click works and the egg spawn too the only problem is when I go far from the entity, it "disappears" or if I'm near it, it "disappears" and if I look the entity again it comes back.


My customEntity class

public class CustomEntity extends EntityLiving {

	private boolean persistenceRequired = true;

	public CustomEntity(World worldIn) {

	public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) {
		compound.setBoolean("PersistenceRequired", this.persistenceRequired);

	public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) {

		this.persistenceRequired = compound.getBoolean("PersistenceRequired");

	protected boolean processInteract(EntityPlayer player, EnumHand hand) {
		Random r = new Random();
		World worldIn = player.getEntityWorld();
		int phrases = r.nextInt(3);
		if (worldIn.isRemote) {
			switch (phrases) {
			case 0:
				Main.message("&dHello &c" + player.getName() + " how are you?", player);
			case 1:
				Main.message("&aHello &c" + player.getName() + " Can you help me?", player);
			case 2:
				Main.message("&bHello &c" + player.getName() + "&b! I forgot where is my house", player);
		return true;

	protected void despawnEntity() {
		if (this.persistenceRequired) {
			this.idleTime = 0;


My customentity render class

public class RenderCustomEntity extends RenderLiving<CustomEntity> {

	public static final ResourceLocation TEXTURE = new ResourceLocation(
			Reference.MODID + ":textures/entity/customentity.png");

	public RenderCustomEntity(RenderManager rendermanagerIn) {
		super(rendermanagerIn, new ModelCustomEntity(), 0.6F);

	protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(CustomEntity entity) {
		return TEXTURE;

	protected void applyRotations(CustomEntity entityLiving, float p_77043_2_, float rotationYaw,
			float partialTicks) {
		super.applyRotations(entityLiving, p_77043_2_, rotationYaw, partialTicks);


and my cutom entity model class (Made with tabula mod)


public class ModelMCDolaldCashier extends ModelBase {
    public ModelRenderer field_178736_x;
    public ModelRenderer field_178734_a;
    public ModelRenderer field_178731_d;
    public ModelRenderer field_178732_b;
    public ModelRenderer field_178720_f;
    public ModelRenderer field_178733_c;
    public ModelRenderer field_178723_h;
    public ModelRenderer field_178721_j;
    public ModelRenderer field_78116_c;
    public ModelRenderer field_78115_e;
    public ModelRenderer field_178724_i;
    public ModelRenderer field_178722_k;

    public ModelMCDolaldCashier() {
        this.textureWidth = 64;
        this.textureHeight = 32;
        this.field_178731_d = new ModelRenderer(this, 0, 16);
        this.field_178731_d.setRotationPoint(-1.9F, 12.0F, 0.0F);
        this.field_178731_d.addBox(-2.0F, 0.0F, -2.0F, 4, 12, 4, 0.25F);
        this.field_178723_h = new ModelRenderer(this, 40, 16);
        this.field_178723_h.setRotationPoint(-5.0F, 2.0F, 0.0F);
        this.field_178723_h.addBox(-3.0F, -2.0F, -2.0F, 4, 12, 4, 0.0F);
        this.field_178732_b = new ModelRenderer(this, 40, 32);
        this.field_178732_b.setRotationPoint(-5.0F, 2.0F, 0.0F);
        this.field_178732_b.addBox(-3.0F, -2.0F, -2.0F, 4, 12, 4, 0.25F);
        this.field_178722_k = new ModelRenderer(this, 0, 16);
        this.field_178722_k.setRotationPoint(1.9F, 12.0F, 0.0F);
        this.field_178722_k.addBox(-2.0F, 0.0F, -2.0F, 4, 12, 4, 0.0F);
        this.field_178721_j = new ModelRenderer(this, 0, 16);
        this.field_178721_j.setRotationPoint(-1.899999976158142F, 12.0F, 0.0F);
        this.field_178721_j.addBox(-2.0F, 0.0F, -2.0F, 4, 12, 4, 0.0F);
        this.field_178720_f = new ModelRenderer(this, 32, 0);
        this.field_178720_f.setRotationPoint(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
        this.field_178720_f.addBox(-4.0F, -8.0F, -4.0F, 8, 8, 8, 0.5F);
        this.field_178736_x = new ModelRenderer(this, 24, 0);
        this.field_178736_x.setRotationPoint(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
        this.field_178736_x.addBox(-3.0F, -6.0F, -1.0F, 6, 6, 1, 0.0F);
        this.field_78116_c = new ModelRenderer(this, 0, 0);
        this.field_78116_c.setRotationPoint(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
        this.field_78116_c.addBox(-4.0F, -8.0F, -4.0F, 8, 8, 8, 0.0F);
        this.field_178734_a = new ModelRenderer(this, 48, 48);
        this.field_178734_a.setRotationPoint(5.0F, 2.0F, 0.0F);
        this.field_178734_a.addBox(-1.0F, -2.0F, -2.0F, 4, 12, 4, 0.25F);
        this.field_178724_i = new ModelRenderer(this, 32, 48);
        this.field_178724_i.setRotationPoint(5.0F, 2.0F, 0.0F);
        this.field_178724_i.addBox(-1.0F, -2.0F, -2.0F, 4, 12, 4, 0.0F);
        this.field_178733_c = new ModelRenderer(this, 0, 48);
        this.field_178733_c.setRotationPoint(1.899999976158142F, 12.0F, 0.0F);
        this.field_178733_c.addBox(-2.0F, 0.0F, -2.0F, 4, 12, 4, 0.25F);
        this.field_78115_e = new ModelRenderer(this, 16, 16);
        this.field_78115_e.setRotationPoint(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
        this.field_78115_e.addBox(-4.0F, 0.0F, -2.0F, 8, 12, 4, 0.0F);

    public void render(Entity entity, float f, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5) { 

     * This is a helper function from Tabula to set the rotation of model parts
    public void setRotateAngle(ModelRenderer modelRenderer, float x, float y, float z) {
        modelRenderer.rotateAngleX = x;
        modelRenderer.rotateAngleY = y;
        modelRenderer.rotateAngleZ = z;



Show your registration code, the distance at which a mob is shown is set there

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12 minutes ago, Cadiboo said:

Show your registration code, the distance at which a mob is shown is set there

That's is all what I have except for this

public class RenderHandler {

	public static void registerEntityRenders() {

		RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(CustomEntity.class, new IRenderFactory<CustomEntity>() {
			public Render<? super CustomEntity> createRenderFor(RenderManager manager) {
				return new RenderCustomEntity(manager);



Your entity registration code. BTW all that code is unnecessary and can be replaced with RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityCustomEntity.class, EntityCustomEntityRenderer::new);

About Me


My Discord - Cadiboo#8887

My WebsiteCadiboo.github.io

My ModsCadiboo.github.io/projects

My TutorialsCadiboo.github.io/tutorials

Versions below 1.14.4 are no longer supported on this forum. Use the latest version to receive support.

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8 hours ago, Cadiboo said:

Your entity registration code. BTW all that code is unnecessary and can be replaced with RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityCustomEntity.class, EntityCustomEntityRenderer::new);

Okay changed but I still have the same problem



11 hours ago, Cadiboo said:

Your entity registration code.

About Me


My Discord - Cadiboo#8887

My WebsiteCadiboo.github.io

My ModsCadiboo.github.io/projects

My TutorialsCadiboo.github.io/tutorials

Versions below 1.14.4 are no longer supported on this forum. Use the latest version to receive support.

When asking support remember to include all relevant log files (logs are found in .minecraft/logs/), code if applicable and screenshots if possible.

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